IPCamViewer for Enigma2

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...

-> Aktuell bereiten wir das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version 6 von Woltlab vor.
  • Die ist nur nötig wenn du keine Kamera und das Plug-in quasi nur in Simulation laufen lassen möchtest um es auszuprobieren.

    Bei mir hängt sich leider auch das Plugin auf (iCVS+GP3 auf DM800se mit Linksys WVC200; Benutzer und Passwort gesetzt).

  • Übrigens für alle die dieselbe IP Kamera benutzen (Linksys WVC200), hier ist der Befehlsstring für einen Snapshot (Pan, Tilt und Zoom habe ich noch nicht gefunden):

  • Ich habe den Fehler gefunden weshalb bei mir der Spinner kam: in der Dokumentation steht man solle eine Zeile mit {protocol} in die Konfigurationsdatei schreiben.

    Tatsächlich muss aber dort {command} stehen.

    Also nicht




    Vielleicht liegts ja daran auch bei anderen.

  • I would like to help, but unfortunately the last time I studied German was in 1967 and I remember very little, not enogh to understand the thread. I tried translation using Systran software, but it is so mangled I cannot understand it.
    If you put your problem in English (I am actually Afrikaans so English is neutral language), I will be glad to try and help.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • Hallo Jung's

    ich würde gerne bei mir zu Hause zwei Überwachungskameras installieren und die Live Bilder mit der Dreambox auf Festplatte aufnehmen. Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie ich das angehen soll?
    Zur Zeit habe ich noch die Dream 7000.

  • Shumifan, are you the author of the plugin?

    In my previous post I wrote that there is a problem with the documentation.

    If you put the following line in the configuration file, your Dreambox will hang when invoking the plugin (although it is described as such in the documentation):


    You have to change the line as follows for the plugin to start correctly:


    You should change the documentation accordingly.

  • Yes the examples do it correctly but the document is wrong on one line. This will be corrected in the next release.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • ja leider bekomme ich einen schönen Green Screen, wenn ich auf das Plugin in den Erweiterungen gehe

    ERROR reading PES (fd=42) - Value too large for defined data type poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 42(8) [EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading [EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading [EPGC] abort non avail mhw reading [EPGC] nownext finished(1296506379) action -> OkCancelActions ok okbuttonClick reused converter! reused converter! nr_read 51 nr_write 4 sum 55 prev_sum 55 hdd IDLE! [IDLE] 349821482.7 120 True action -> WizardActions ok entering __int__() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, size_w=1280; size_h=720; space=0, fourByThree_w=960, invisible_h=-240 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, size_w=1280; size_h=720; space=0, fourByThree_w=960, invisible_w =320 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ startWithPIP=True Setting PIP mode================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, size_w=640; size_h=480; space=0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ recording Directory=/media/hdd/IPCamViewer ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ s={command}{mobotix.snapshot}{/record/current.jpg} {command}{mobotix.protocol}{http://} {camera}{10.0.xx.xx}{Eingang}{Resse}{user}{pw} ============================================================== i=1,li=commandmobotix.snapshot/record/current.jpgcommand ============================================================== i=4,li=commandmobotix.protocolhttp://camera ============================================================== i=7,li=camera10.0.xx.xxEingangResse Invalid cam type in {camera}=Eingang Screen <class 'Plugins.Extensions.IPCamViewer.plugin.ViewCamImage'>((), {}): <type 'exceptions.IndexError'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 237, in create return screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPCamViewer/plugin.py", line 413, in __init__ IndexError: list index out of range open /dev/dbox/fp0 for wakeup timer clear failed!(No such file or directory) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 46, in action res = self.actions[action]() File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/PluginBrowser.py", line 59, in save self.run() File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/PluginBrowser.py", line 63, in run plugin(session=self.session) File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPCamViewer/plugin.py", line 1222, in main File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 311, in open dlg.isTmp = True AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isTmp' (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x1b16c88>>,('WizardActions', 'ok')) failed) getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??) resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/settings resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/settings getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??) resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/settings resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/settings getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)

    DreamBox: DM 800 HD PVR SAT
    Festplatte: Samsung HM320JI - 320GB
    USB Stick: 4GB
    Image im Flash: OoZoon OE1.6

    Bei manchen ist ein Gehirnschlag ein Schlag ins Leere!

    Edited once, last by moonsorrox ().

  • shumifan50
    How can I kill the process if no connection is established?
    Would it make sense to add a timeout to avoid restarting Enigma?
    Thank you

  • Moin

    Habe nur den IPCamViewer installiert und die Config geändert für meine

    Levelone 1090


    und es geht

    selbst aufnehmen der Einzelbilder auf Platte

    Also wiklich Super das Programm

    jetzt geht die Fummelei los für die anderen Cams :hurra:

    Habe GP3 drauf und die DM 800 die alte

    Ich spare Strom, esse das Fleisch roh und trinke den Kaffee kalt.


    Edited once, last by otto19 ().

  • moofy :
    I will do that in the next release. I am just trying to gather as many faults as possible before I make another release. At the moment the following is identified:
    1. Better parsing of the conf file with better error reporting.
    2. Recovery/Error reporting when the first camera does not respond. The second and subsequent cameras work fine if they time out - it is only a problem when there is only one camera and it does not respond.
    3. Corrected documentation as noted earlier on this thread.
    4. I will try to include as many cameras as possible in the conf file to make setup easier. To this end it would be nice if you have a working camera to post the conf file here (remember to remove passwords/IP addresses)
    5. I am planning some enhancements when I have a bit of time available.

    Important notice:
    The release has now been moved from OpenPli to here as they have removed the ticketting system and I really cant be bothered to work out how to post the plugin there.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    Edited once, last by shumifan50 ().

  • moonsorrox:

    results in
    camera10.0.xx.xxEingangResse Invalid cam type in {camera}=Eingang
    this should be:


    and remember to remove all spaces from lines.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    Edited once, last by shumifan50 ().

  • Has anybody got this running on a VU+DUO or VU Solo?

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • Its running with an Instar IN-3010 ip camera with the following config:


    but the initial settings are not save on exit. Everytime I start the plugin the PiP dimensions and position are like at first time. I searched for the file where these settings are saved but except the IPCamViewer.conf there is no other cfg file.

  • The settings from the remote are saved in the main Enigma2 settings file at

    The entries for IPCamViewer is
    where xxxx is the specific setting

    If you edit this file make a backup before editing as it is shared by all plugins and enigma2.

    The position and size of the PIP can also be editied by pressing "MENU" on the remote and changing the settings by hand. Remember to press green afterwards to save the settings.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    Edited once, last by shumifan50 ().

  • The green button refuses to do its work (it said: "No paycheck, no job").

    I looked inside "/etc/enigma2/settings" but there are no entries regarding "config.ipcam.xxxxxxx". Would it be possible for you to post them here. I'll copy them manualy.


  • moonsorrox:
    I cannot understand why it does not work for you as it works fine on all my images/dreamboxes. But here are the relevant entries in /etc/enigma/settings:


    Remember to use a Linux style editor that does not insert carriage returns in the end of the line.

    When you press menu, does it show the 4 entries related to PIP and then when you change them and press green and exit IPCamViewer, then press Menu again, did it change the entries back or are they as you adjusted them?

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    Edited once, last by shumifan50 ().

  • shumifan50
    Thanks a lot!
    Support for "https" and "h.264" would be nice for a future release.

  • shumifan50

    Everything OK...
    Super plugin, now everything is running smoothly

    Thank you

    DreamBox: DM 800 HD PVR SAT
    Festplatte: Samsung HM320JI - 320GB
    USB Stick: 4GB
    Image im Flash: OoZoon OE1.6

    Bei manchen ist ein Gehirnschlag ein Schlag ins Leere!

  • Da ja bei euch nun alles klappt könntet Ihr mir vielleicht auch noch helfen. Im IE eg. Firefox brauche ich folgenden link:…ount=admin&password=admin
    Habe schon sämtliche configurationen von hier getestet. Habe eine Digitus DN16023. Habe immer nur den Spinner am laufen bis die Box 500hd neu gestartet wird. Wenn jemand eine config zum testen hätte wär das toll.

    my last config is:
