network problem

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  • Hi

    I have a nasty network problem with an DM 7020. The problem is that it won't recognize the network connection. Once or twice there was a connection with my router but when I clicked "test" it responded with 2 red lights and 2 - the lower 2 - green lights. Netwok NOT OK !
    I still was able to FTP to the box however but it didn't lasted very long before the connection was gone.
    The LAN cable is about 25 meter long but works fine when I connect my laptop.
    It is a crossed twisted pair LAN cable is that OK for the dreambox or should I use a straight through cable?

    Anything else I can try, flashing new firmware maybe?


  • Hi,
    when you are using a router,
    you should use a normal LAN cable
    and not a crossover cable.

  • every ethernet cable is twisted pair :winking_face:
    and a crossover is ok for a direct connection between two endpoints. But you should use a switch, hub or router for the connection.

  • I just checked the pinout and I use a "straight" LAN cable.
    My bad thinking it was crossed because "straight" isn't really straight as in pin 1 to pin 1 and pin 2 to pin 2 etc.
    Sorry for the confusion.
    Anyway that must be the right cable but what can I do to solve my network problem?


  • Straigt network cable means direct connection of the pins...

    So a straight pinout means:
    1 <--> 1
    2 <--> 2
    3 <--> 3
    4 <--> 4
    5 <--> 5
    6 <--> 6
    7 <--> 7
    8 <--> 8

    A crossed pinout means:
    1 <--> 3
    2 <--> 6
    3 <--> 1
    4 <--> 4
    5 <--> 5
    6 <--> 2
    7 <--> 7
    8 <--> 8

    The question now is:
    Is your network cable a straight-thorugh-cable? If yes, then check it with another PC...
    Maybe you also check your network in your dreambox by trying to connect it to another router or PC...

  • Thank you for this info.
    Yes I have a straight trough cable and yes it works fine when I plugin my laptop.

    I will see what happens if I connect the dreambox directly to a computer.
