Dm600pvr Enigma2 Pcd 7.0

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  • Hi there,

    I hope someone can help me with this. I've been Googling my ass off, but my problems still exist.

    Situation: downstairs we have a Vu+duo, with 500GB HDD, image OpenPli (recent), connected to satellitedisk and network.
    Upstairs a DM600PVR, no HDD, image Dm600pvr Enigma2 Pcd 7.0, connected to network only.

    Goal: stream movies and tv from downstairs to the DM600PVR upstairs.

    I got Partnerbox up and running, so watching tv works. After I finally found out that longpressing the blue button was the way to go. :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Problem 1: memory expansion.
    With this you have 3 options: USB, HDD and CF. They all do not apply to the DM600. I tried expanding to HDD. After that I can't get the box to do anything. At startup it keeps hanging on startup screen (starting gui). No response from any buttons. I can't open Dreambox webcontrol (page not found). I can however connect using Telnet and Filezilla. Filezilla shows that extentions and python have been moved to HDD (new folders in /HDD). So something happened... The only thing I can do here is reflash. Is there something I'm missing, or is memory expansion not possible in this situation?
    When it's not possible, what extentions can I delete without problems and still reach my goal?

    Problem 2: mounting the HDD from Vu+duo into DM600PVR.
    I tried mounting the HDD with NFS with the defaults in the image. The only things I changed were IP and path (/media/hdd/movie). Mounting seems to work, but then what?
    I found somewhere that you should see the mount in mediaplayer, but that is not in the feed. Pressing the PVR button shows nothing.
    How can I check if the mounting is OK? And what plugin do I need to watch movies from the HDD?

  • >>> I tried expanding to HDD ...

    If you don't have a harddisk - no expansion as the 600 doesn't support ANY ther device

  • Ok, that I can understand. That leaves me with the other question in problem 1:

    >>>When it's not possible, what extentions can I delete without problems and still reach my goal?

  • Hi Mimi68,

    If your mounting is ok - you should be able to see the items in the vu-duo hdd using ftp. If the 600 mounted folder was /media/hdd = vu duo folder /hdd - then you make a folder /hdd/movie in vu-duo. Then using Video button - you will see the items in vu-duo/hdd/movie.

    The memory expansion function only works with internal harddisk. But it may also work with the nfs mounted hdd - for the Extensions only. It may be that - nfs is not mounted before python is required in the boot process.

    @Mostlyharmless may be able to advise. :)

    BTW Barry Allen will not work without an internal harddisk.

    Cheers, pcd.

    ps. I attach a Mediacenter plugin - which may work for videos and pictures (not for mp3).

  • Hi PCD,

    Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly (I'm pretty new at this). Sometimes I get a little lost.

    >>If your mounting is ok - you should be able to see the items in the vu-duo hdd using ftp.

    I guess I open Filezilla, go to the DM600 and take a look? What folder would I be looking for? When I look in vuduo and go to /mnt I get redirected to /media, so I guess that would be it?

    >>If the 600 mounted folder was /media/hdd = vu duo folder /hdd - then you make a folder /hdd/movie in vu-duo.

    I used /media/hdd/movie. This is the folder in Vuduo where the recordings are stored. Do I need to make a new folder and store the recordings there from now on?

    I used this command: mount -t nfs -o rw, rsize=8192, wsize=8192 IP-adress:/media/hdd/movie

    >>The memory expansion function only works with internal harddisk. But it may also work with the nfs mounted hdd - for the Extensions only. It may be that - nfs is not mounted before python is required in the boot process.

    That is something I might try out, after I made sure the mount is OK, with the risk of having to flash yet again. :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    The Mediacenter plugin is the same as the one I can install from the feed? I did that and got the question to run Cleanup wizard, because there was little room left on the flash. So I will need to lose some extensions, if expanding is not possible.

    Cable tv was a lot easier :winking_face: (but less fun)

    Thanks so far

  • Your command is not complete :-

    mount -t nfs -o rw, rsize=8192, wsize=8192 IP-adress:/media/hdd/movie

    It should be something like (you telnet from the 600 console) :-

    mount -t nfs -o rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 vu-duo-ip-address:/media/hdd /media/hdd

    Then - with ftp (filezilla) look in 600/media/hdd. You should see the vu-dup /media/hdd.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pcd ()

  • Ok, I tried your command and get the following message:

    mount: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = connection refused
    mount: nfs mount failed: bad file descriptor
    mount: mounting 192.168.XXX:/media/hdd on /media/hdd failed: Invalid argument.

    the same happens when I use /media/hdd/movie /media/hdd

    Tried it on the box itself. It says "mounted", but there is nothing to see under PVR or in Filezilla in 600/media/hdd. :confused_face:

  • Zitat

    Original von pcd
    Please try Menu -> Extra Setup -> Tools -> Inadyn setup.

    Hi pcd,

    I already tried the extra setup but noting happen if I click start service.
    There is also no config file and no inadyn in /usr/bin. May the image installation went wrong for me? But there where no errors of other issues during flash process.

    I will try the link of kalehrl and see what to do.

  • Okay, I tried to exchange the inadyn from the correction package but it still wont start. A window is seen for maybe half of a second and it close itself.
    Any idea how I could start the service?

  • I have been trying a lot of different things, including CIFS mount, but that didn't work either. But after a lot of searching and connecting some dots I got it working. :hurra:

    Here's how:

    I downloaded NFS server setup from the OpenPli feed onto the Vuduo and chose the export-file (/media/hdd).
    When trying to mount again I got the "No permission" message, so I edited the /etc/exports file on the Vuduo, entering the DM600 IP-adress/subnettmask between /media/hdd and (rw,blabla).
    After that it worked like a charm.

    Too bad my husband only has HD-recordings on the I only got sound.

  • Succsefully mounted to my VU+ Ultimo and synology NAS.
    And with partnerbox on DM600PVR I can now use my second tuner in VU+ Ultimo to watch channels on DM600PVR
    Works like a charm!

    Tanks for this Image pcd :hurra:

    Now 1 Q:
    Is it possible to stream .avi to DM600 from my synology NAS?
    Quite sure the answer will be no, but worth a go!

  • Hi there,

    I got a 500 HD. I like this box, but i would like to have a second tuner. Now i bought a 600 because i thought with the PCD enigma 2, ican use partnerbox. So i installed PSC 7.0. I installed partnerbox on the 500 HD. I can import the channel list from the 600, but unfortunatly when i change to the imported channel it is not streaming from the 600 to the 500HD.

    Can i stream from a 600 PCD 7.0 with partnerbox?

  • i search the


    and the pauli plugin for the pcd 7.0

    can every one help me plz