addon pvr.hts - tvheadend - Tipps, Fragen und Probleme

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  • Hier bitte alles zu kodi Addon tvheadend Posten!

    Downloads hier

    Mit tvheadend kann man TV in kodi sehen. Aufnahme, EPG, Streamen usw.
    Damit das funktioniert muss enigma2 AUS sein.

    Also kodi und tvheadend Standalone.
    Das Plugin enigma2-plugin-extensions-systemboot-ox bietet da einige Möglichkeiten zum starten.

    Kanallisten können aus enigma2 konvertiert werden.

    Nach Installation von tvheadend muss man erst über das Webif von tvheadend konfigurieren.
    tvheadend -C im Remote CLI eingeben.
    Achtung tvheadend ist jetzt www offen für alle
    Jetzt im Webbrowser am PC IP_der_Box:9981 eingeben.

    Screenshot 1 & 2:
    Bei Access Control user/passwort anlegen/speichern

    Denn Haken bei Username * entfernen, speichern.
    Jetzt müsst ihr euer Passwort eingeben.

    Dann weiter wie in den weiteren Screenshots.

    gruß pclin

  • Die vergange Tagen nutze ich tvheadend alleine auf eine DM820HD. Funzt ziemlich gut sowohl mit kodi auf nen entfernten Rechner als auch auf meinen iPad mit der TvhClient App. Habe gestern eine Aufnahme über nfs (keine interne Platte) ohne Probleme durchführen können. Mein größtes Problem war tvheadend zu starten. Mit einem System User, eine systemd service Datei und eine config Datei geht das nun auch problemlos.



    Wenn Mann das mit

    systemctl start tvheadend@hts.service

    startet, wird automatisch enigma2 vorher runtergefahren.


    NFS/QNAP TS-219P/debian - lenny
    NFS/eSATA SheevaPlug/emdebian (ubifs) - squeeze

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von johnbock ()

  • johnbock
    Ich verwende seit geraumer Zeit tvheadend und kodi, und bin da auch sehr zufrieden!

    Mit dem plugin enigma2-plugin-extensions-systemboot-ox geht das starten schon seit einiger Zeit, siehe Screenshot.
    Bei einem crash von kodi-standalone wird dann tvheadend beendet und enigma2 wieder gestartet.

    gruß pclin

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by pclin
    Ich verwende seit geraumer Zeit tvheadend und kodi, und bin da auch sehr zufrieden!

    Mit dem plugin enigma2-plugin-extensions-systemboot-ox geht das starten schon seit einiger Zeit, siehe Screenshot.
    Bei einem crash von kodi-standalone wird dann tvheadend beendet und enigma2 wieder gestartet.

    gruß pclin

    Ich benutze nur tvheadend. Weder kodi noch enigma laufen.

    Ziel ist es den Box im Keller zu stellen und nur über htsp zu zugreifen.


    NFS/QNAP TS-219P/debian - lenny
    NFS/eSATA SheevaPlug/emdebian (ubifs) - squeeze

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von johnbock ()

  • pvr.hts

    EPG und Aufnahme funktioniert.

    In der WEB Oberfläche unbedingt den Aufnahme Pfad setzen, sonst wird Default nach /root gespeichert!

    Direktes Anwählen/Abspielen der Kanäle geht wegen gstplayer nicht!

    gruß pclin

  • tvheadend-4.0.10 armhf/mipsel

    Mit zusätzlichen Optionen gebaut

    --enable-dvbscan \
         --enable-dvbcsa \
         --enable-uriparser \
         --enable-gperftools \


    :danke: emanuel für die Bereitstellung der patches, und das

    gruß pclin

  • mal ne andere frage zu tvheadend,

    wie kann ich die kanallisten von E2 unter linux convertieren???

    habe Linux Mint aufm PC, sowie kodi als auch TVheadend auf dem PC laufen, (satip client) ist zwar jetzt nicht die dreambox aber würde gerne unter linux die senderliste convertieren.

    Dreambox 900 UHD SS
    Dreambox 8000 HD: SSSC/T, 2GB CF, DVD
    Qnap TS219 P II + 2TB + 3TB HDD

    NC+ HD
    Sky Germany HD

  • Ja das habe ich gesehen, aber das tool von weetek lauft nur unter windows, ich brauche was um die senderliste unter linux zu konvertieren.

    Oder habe ich tomaten auf den Augen?

    Dreambox 900 UHD SS
    Dreambox 8000 HD: SSSC/T, 2GB CF, DVD
    Qnap TS219 P II + 2TB + 3TB HDD

    NC+ HD
    Sky Germany HD

  • Hello pclin,
    I got a issue with tvheadend <--> kodi connection, I had setup the tvheadend, and added some initial FTA channels.After that, I have enabled pvr.hts addon and configured to the tvheadend data. Channels are visible under kodi on this same dreambox 920, but after zapping into one of them, no audio or video. It's weird as on different kodi instance (on macbook) or vlc, the channels are working fine. I have disabled enigma2 instance via systemctl, then executed tvheadend and kodi-standalone in console. Any ideas?
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.167 T:3000922112 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.167 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (18.2-RC1 Git:20190319-nogitfound). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.167 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Dreambox)
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.167 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Kodi compiled 2019-03-19 by GCC 5.3.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.4.0 (263168)
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.167 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Running on 7439 72521 device with opendreambox 2.5.0, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 3.14-1.17-dm920
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: 4.0.2
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Host CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l), 2 cores available
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ARM Features: Neon enabled
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://xbmcbinaddons/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi/addons
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /root/.kodi/userdata
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://envhome/ is mapped to: /root
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /root/.kodi
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /root/.kodi/temp
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://logpath/ is mapped to: /root/.kodi/temp
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi-dreambox
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Local hostname: dm920
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Log File is located: /root/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.170 T:3000922112 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.177 T:3000922112 INFO: loading settings
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.177 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.193 T:3000922112 DEBUG: CSkinSettings: no <skinsettings> tag found
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.195 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.195 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.195 T:3000922112 WARNING: CSettingsManager: missing version attribute
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.196 T:3000922112 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.196 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Default Video Player: GstPlayer
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.196 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.196 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.196 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.264 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: audioencoder.kodi.builtin.aac v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: audioencoder.kodi.builtin.wma v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: game.controller.default v1.0.8 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: game.controller.snes v1.0.8 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: inputstream.adaptive v2.3.6 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.2 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.301 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.3 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v5.12.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.14 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.audiodecoder v2.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.audioencoder v2.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.1.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.imagedecoder v2.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.inputstream v2.0.8 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.peripheral v1.3.7 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.pvr v5.10.3 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.screensaver v2.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.vfs v2.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.videocodec v1.0.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.visualization v2.0.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.resource v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.album.universal v3.1.2 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.artists.universal v4.3.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.2.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.6.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.1.4 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v2.2.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v2.0.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.1.9 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.local v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v5.1.5 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.1.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.hts v4.4.3 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.vuplus v3.15.4 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.1.5 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.weathericons.default v1.1.8 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.language.en_gb v2.0.1 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.uisounds.kodi v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.32 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim v1.0.54 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.pil v1.1.7 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.pycryptodome v3.4.3 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: service.xbmc.versioncheck v0.4.6 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: skin.estouchy v2.0.23 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: skin.estuary v2.0.22 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: webinterface.default v18.x-2.4.6 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.addon v18.1.901 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.core v0.1.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.gui v5.14.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.json v10.3.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.metadata v2.1.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.python v2.26.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.302 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.webinterface v1.0.0 installed
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.348 T:3000922112 ERROR: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.398 T:2982146928 NOTICE: Found 1 Lists of Devices
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.398 T:2982146928 NOTICE: Enumerated ALSA devices:
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.398 T:2982146928 NOTICE: Device 1
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_deviceName : @
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default (BCM PCM BCM PCM)
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_channels : FL, FR
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_U8
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.399 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.436 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreamboxUtils::GetNativeResolution mode: 1080p
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.436 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreamboxUtils::SetFramebufferResolution width: 1920 height: 1080
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.440 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreambox::E2Proc enigma2 process not found
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.440 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreamboxUtils::GetNativeResolution mode: 1080p
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.440 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreambox::Initialize
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreamboxUtils::GetNativeResolution mode: 1080p
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 with 640 x 480i @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 576 with 720 x 576i @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080i @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 with 1280 x 720 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 with 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080i @ 50.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080 @ 24.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080 @ 25.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080 @ 30.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 1920 x 1080 @ 50.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 3840 x 2160 @ 24.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 3840 x 2160 @ 25.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 3840 x 2160 @ 30.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 3840 x 2160 @ 50.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 with 3840 x 2160 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.441 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 with 1280 x 720 @ 24.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 with 1280 x 720 @ 50.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 576 with 720 x 576 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 with 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 with 800 x 600 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 with 1024 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found resolution 1366 x 768 with 1366 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.442 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Found (1920x1080@60.000000) at 19, setting to RES_DESKTOP at 16
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.444 T:3000922112 NOTICE: EGL_VERSION = 1.5
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.444 T:3000922112 NOTICE: EGL_VENDOR = Broadcom
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.444 T:3000922112 NOTICE: EGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_BRCM_performance_counters EGL_BRCM_event_monitor EGL_BRCM_gl_framebuffer_image EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_protected_surface EGL_EXT_protected_content EGL_KHR_cl_event2 EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.444 T:3000922112 NOTICE: EGL_CLIENT_EXTENSIONS = EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.445 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Checking resolution 26
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.445 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreamboxUtils::SetDisplayResolution mode: 1080p50
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.446 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CDreamboxUtils::SetFramebufferResolution width: 1920 height: 1080
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.446 T:3000922112 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.447 T:3000922112 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = VideoCore V HW (V3D-530)
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.447 T:3000922112 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 3.1
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.447 T:3000922112 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.10
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.447 T:3000922112 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_KHR_debug GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_BRCM_multi_draw_indirect GL_BRCM_base_instance GL_EXT_robustness
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.973 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.975 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.977 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.984 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic72
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.993 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos116
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.996 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version TV32
    2019-05-12 17:07:51.998 T:2917790576 NOTICE: Running database version Epg12
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.063 T:3000922112 NOTICE: load skin from: /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary (version: 2.0.22)
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.444 T:3000922112 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.504 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Register - new keyboard device registered on application->keyboard: Keyboard (0000:0000)
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.505 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Register - new mouse device registered on application->mouse: Mouse (0000:0000)
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.516 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.516 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.517 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.517 T:3000922112 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.546 T:3000922112 NOTICE: initialize done
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.546 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Running the application...
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.564 T:3000922112 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.581 T:2822341488 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.582 T:2822341488 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : false)
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.766 T:2830730096 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Starting
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.917 T:2765443952 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Started
    2019-05-12 17:07:52.930 T:2830730096 NOTICE: EPG thread started
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.995 T:2731889520 ERROR: UpdateFromScraper: Client '-1' not found, can't update
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.995 T:2731889520 ERROR: Update: Failed to update table 'TVP INFO HD'
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.996 T:2731889520 ERROR: UpdateFromScraper: Client '-1' not found, can't update
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.996 T:2731889520 ERROR: Update: Failed to update table 'Eska TV'
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.996 T:2731889520 ERROR: UpdateFromScraper: Client '-1' not found, can't update
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.996 T:2731889520 ERROR: Update: Failed to update table '4Fun.TV'
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.996 T:2731889520 ERROR: UpdateFromScraper: Client '-1' not found, can't update
    2019-05-12 17:07:53.996 T:2731889520 ERROR: Update: Failed to update table 'Eska TV Extra'
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.453 T:2982146928 ERROR: ActiveAE::UnconfigureSink - failed to unconfigure
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.456 T:3000922112 ERROR: CGstPlayer::CGstPlayer: AudioEngine did not suspend before launching GstPlayer
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.456 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CreatePlayers
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.476 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::Initialize
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.476 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenFile
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.476 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CloseFile
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.476 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayerVideo::DestroyPipeline: clean
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.476 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CloseFile: reopen=false
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.476 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::Process
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.477 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.477 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: Creating InputStream: pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.hts_1703828772.pvr
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.477 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: pvr: m_item.GetDynPath(): pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.hts_1703828772.pvr
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.477 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: IsLiveTV() true
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.477 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: IsPVRChannel() true
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.477 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: InputStream: m_pInputStream == nullptr
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.479 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: open InputStream: pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.hts_1703828772.pvr
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.479 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OpenInputStream: DVDSTREAM_TYPE_PVRMANAGER
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.479 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::Process: m_pInputStream->GetFileName(): pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.hts_1703828772.pvr
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.501 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayerVideo::CreateFakePipeline: running tv pipeline...
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.501 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OnPlaybackStarted
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.501 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::OnPlaybackStarted: startpercent=0.000000 starttime=0.000000
    2019-05-12 17:08:05.504 T:3000922112 NOTICE: TriggerUpdateResolution:
    2019-05-12 17:08:25.627 T:3000922112 NOTICE: GetSubtitleCount: m_text: 0
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.388 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 74 times.
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.388 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CloseFile
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.388 T:2847507312 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::Process: m_bStop: true
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.389 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayerVideo::DestroyPipeline: clean
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.401 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CloseFile: reopen=false
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.401 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CloseFile
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.402 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayerVideo::DestroyPipeline: clean
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.402 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::CloseFile: reopen=false
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.402 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::DestroyPlayers
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.406 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayerVideo::DestroyPipeline: clean
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.406 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayerVideo::~CGstPlayerVideo
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: Found 1 Lists of Devices
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: Enumerated ALSA devices:
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: Device 1
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_deviceName : @
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default (BCM PCM BCM PCM)
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_channels : FL, FR
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.436 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.437 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_U8
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.437 T:2982146928 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
    2019-05-12 17:08:27.445 T:3000922112 NOTICE: CGstPlayer::~CGstPlayer
    2019-05-12 17:12:15.222 T:3000922112 ERROR: Unable to load window XML: /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/xml/Settings.xml. Line 0
    Failed to open file
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.143 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Shutting down due to POSIX signal
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.184 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Stopping player
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.184 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.184 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Saving settings
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.189 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.191 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Stopping all
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.191 T:3000922112 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.191 T:3000922112 NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing
    2019-05-12 17:12:24.837 T:2822341488 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
    2019-05-12 17:12:37.264 T:3000922112 NOTICE: Application stopped
    2019-05-12 17:12:37.467 T:3000922112 NOTICE: XBApplicationEx: destroying...
    2019-05-12 17:12:37.467 T:3000922112 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopping
    2019-05-12 17:12:38.058 T:3000922112 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopped
    2019-05-12 17:12:38.550 T:3000922112 NOTICE: unload skin
    2019-05-12 17:12:38.625 T:3000922112 NOTICE: unload sections


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    If you want to use tvheadend, you must disable the GstPlayer by default or it try to switch to enigma's cannels. remove or rename the file:


    no brain no pain! :495:
    Auf gar keinen Fall die GP-Wiki lesen!!
    sie könnte Deinen Kopf zu schwer für Deinen Hals machen :grinning_squinting_face:

    attachment.php?attachmentid=158292 Wir wollen uns für das Update bedanken!!