how to download package(plugin or skin) from the image feed via telnet?

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  • Hi

    How can I download plugin or skin from the image feed via telnet in OE2.5 based image?

    I'm extract the list of image's plugin in text file. now I want to download one of the plugins in this list through the telnet.


  • I want to download/install plugin via telnet in OE2.5 based images. can anyone tell me what command should I try in telnet?
    Can I try "apt-get install/download name-of-package" like a command we used in OE2.0 based images?

  • <pluginname> should be the fullname; like f.i. enigma2-plugin-extensions-myplugin

    you can find the full plugin name to look at your (plugin)feed or with:

    apt-cache search enigma2-plugin-extensions
    apt-cache search <pluginname>


    cd /tmp
    apt-get install <pluginname>
    apt-get -f install
    dpkg -i <pluginname>
    systemctl restart enigma2

    Boxen: im Betrieb die DMTwo, DMOne, DM920HD
    Image: u.a. DP Original (unstable)
    Skin...: Verschiedene

  • thank you
    what about if I want to download (only download) the plugin that already installed on image?
    I want to extract the plugin from the image

  • Zitat

    Original von sh-lover
    what about if I want to download (only download) the plugin that already installed on image?
    I want to extract the plugin from the image

    This is complete nonsense since when in an image is a plugin, you do not have to download it; it is already there (at your receiver).
    Extract plugin from image is also nonsense because the plugin is in a plugin directory (extensions or system). you will find them here:




    Boxen: im Betrieb die DMTwo, DMOne, DM920HD
    Image: u.a. DP Original (unstable)
    Skin...: Verschiedene