dm8000 und swap partition auf einem usb stick?

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • da scheinen manche Leute eine Swap partition auf einen USB stick zu installieren bei der dm8000.

    Muss das bei den neuen experimentale sein? Verbrauchen die experimentale zu viel platz?

    Danke für alle antworten!

  • das geht bei jedes image

    hatt aber nichts mit die image grösse zu tun, das ist um "arbeitsspeicher aus zu lagern" (nicht flash speicher)

    und ein aktuelles image passt im flash ohne probleme, die 8000 hatt ja 256MB

  • The swap partition on the HDD is meant to be used for a file system check.

    For permanent swap during normal E2 usage the HDD swap is not appropriate as it will prevent the HDD to go to sleep mode and thus permanently rotate and make noise. So for permanent E2 usage the swap is better put on a memory stick device like USB. In fact I have installed a SSD to the 8000 and created a swap partition there.

  • If you have to swap your memory to HDD you are lost anyway ...

    Why the hell you need more than 1GB of SWAP ?

  • the dream box only has 256 mb ram. Is this enough for normal usage with the blue panel? Or is it better to make a usb swap partition?

  • once more

    256 MB is big enough for an actual image + GP-plugins and other plugins

    SWAP partition is something else, but advised to use on the 8000

  • Zitat

    Original von boza111
    the dream box only has 256 mb ram. Is this enough for normal usage with the blue panel? Or is it better to make a usb swap partition?

    From the 256 MB there is a greater share taken for the framebuffer. For system usage there is only 150 MB left. Now it depends how many plugins and extra stuff you install and run if this is enough or not. But mentioning "blue panel" it sounds to me as you should rather add some memory by adding swap file or swap partition. Since the recording glitches when using swap are fixed it seems recommended to use swap on dreambox 8000.

  • That's why i reply.
    If i download geminiswapfile, and made ithe swap file with 256 MB on my usb stick, after reboot i don't see it anymore added with 1024 MB from the HDD.
    That's why i stop using it.

  • Yes. i understand.
    But with information-hardware i see swap=1024 (from HDD)
    With geminiswapfile it becomes 1280MB (256 from swap usb)
    After reboot those 256 MB are gone only 1024 remains

  • Don't trust any GUI tools :)

    Such things I do myself manually thru Telnet. Create the swap file or partition (whatever is suitable), mkswap, swapon and add it to fstab to be enabled on next boot.

    root@dm8000:~# grep swap /etc/fstab
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/37151fbe-4bc6-412b-bf93-7a2071c302ad  swap    swap    0       0