Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • hallo, it is since the last software update that my dream 8000 does not tune any satellite data.
    is there a problem with some driver??

    pls let me know!!


  • first of all thank you for your reply.
    I am using the CVS image from IHAD and update via software to last software revisions...
    I really hiope it is a sw problem... I have 2 disc connection with 2 different lnb and no Channels are decoded...

    thank you

  • are you talking about the iCVS image?

    There was no update for months - I think last update was in march

    or is it an other image?

  • dear bs, yes, I am talking about the iCVS-Image-dm8000-20111122 image from the ihad web site.
    I have made setup software upgrade and since then no more sat tune...

    thank you!

  • so there must be an other problem, because there was no recent update of the image

  • hallo friends, thank you for your attention.

    a really strange thing happened.

    I re installed the iCVS image and the tuners were working, once made the software update i started to receive the message tune fail.

    i made then a new channel search and now everything looks to be working again... mistery of technic


  • Zitat

    Originally posted by netman
    Why don't u use the newest experimental from dmm?

    We are just in the year 2012 and iCVS is very old.

    iCVS + Updates is also a 2012 image. Furthermore, it's even a "stable" release. Not everybody is willing to be an experimental tester or able to be one because of the WAF. :winking_face:

    Im Einsatz: DM900UHD | DM7080HD | NAS | 13°+19,2° | DVB-C