Enigma Signal Meter 0.0.8

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  • First release of Enigma Signal Meter was quite popular, but it was buggy, lacked support for many different Enigma 1 and Enigma 2 flavors, had no support for multitasking, had confusing and different interface for E1 & E2 receivers. That’s why new Enigma Signal Meter – Krkadoni Edition was born.

    Fast, small, portable, simple and free application for Enigma 1 / Enigma 2 satellite receivers, build to help you align you satellite dish to perfection.

    - SUPPORTS ALL currently existing Enigma1 and Enigma2 receivers and images
    - same simple interface used for Enigma1 and Enigma2 boxes (originally they are quite different)
    - full background processing (running tasks will not hang application)
    - small & portable (doesn’t require installation and can be run from USB stick)
    - autoupdate (offers to update when new version is available)
    - voice reading of signal levels (uses default Windows voice)
    - signal beeping (beeps signal with frequency depending on signal level)
    - works remotely (just forward web port and you can connect from anywhere)

    - Enigma 1 or Enigma 2 based satellite receivers with running Web interface (WebIf)
    - Network connection between receiver and computer
    - Windows XP or higher
    - .NET Framework 3.5
    - 1 MB of free disk space

    List of receivers it was tested and working on:
    - DM500
    - DM500HD
    - DM600
    - DM7000
    - DM7020
    - DM7025
    - DM800
    - DM800SE
    - DM8000
    - VU+ Uno
    - VU+ Duo
    - AzBox Premium
    - AzBox HD Elite
    - AzBox Ultra HD
    - Kathrein UFS 910
    - IPBox 9000
    - Amiko Alien
    - Topfield TF 7700HD PVR
    - Gigablue solo
    - ClarkeTech ET9000

    Thanks to all people on Satelitski forum who tested.

    For best results when searching (faster response time):
    - don’t search while zapped on HD channels
    - don’t search while recording
    - don’t search while receiver’s web interface is open in web browser
    - don’t search if you have other plugins running
    - generally avoid anything that slows down your receiver

    Changes in version 0.0.8
    - fixed connecting to ports other than 80

  • Thanks, works very good.


    DM 500 HD Merlin2 OE 1.6
    DM 800 HD se Merlin2 OE 2.0
    UFS 910 Titan 1.49
    D-Box2 - Keywelt
    Onkyo 807 - 7.2
    Samsung UE32C6000
    Sky komplett

  • da muss nichts installiert werden einfach die *.exe starten und das profil bearbeiten bzw die ip anpassen und verbinden!

    das wars denn auch schon!

  • Better late, then never.
    As far as i could understand problem is that program opens connection to ?

    Yes, that's the IP addres of Krkadoni.com server used to get the update.
    I agree that i should make this as an option, but I was just bit lazy, that's all (I tend to think of this as a hobby, not a payed job).

    If you block the IP program will work just fine.
    Anyway, it's easy to decompile the exe and check for yourself there is no backdoors or anything suspicious.