
Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...

-> Aktuell bereiten wir das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version 6 von Woltlab vor.
  • i installed it on my dreambox7020 running gemini 4.60 whenever i start vlc player 0.8.6 it makes dreambox restart any suggestions

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by tahir85pk
    i installed it on my dreambox7020 running gemini 4.60 whenever i start vlc player 0.8.6 it makes dreambox restart any suggestions

    Strange !

    Vlc player starts on the pc. How can it affect the dreambox !

    Could you please give the exact steps you did on the pc and the dreambox ?

  • yes here are the steps first i start you tube player on my dreambox put ip and all that then i start the vlc on my pc but after sometime my db restarts

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by tahir85pk
    did as you told started the vlc first & then fired the plugin but still my db restarted

    Have you used vlc before with other plugins - like vlcf, musicvideos or myspaceviewer ? Do they work ok ?

  • the same problem with no solution
    reinstall the plugin and vlc 8.6 and reinstall the image with no answer
    the db restart after pressing ok over the video on db

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by tahir85pk
    i installed it on my dreambox7020 running gemini 4.60 whenever i start vlc player 0.8.6 it makes dreambox restart any suggestions

    the same problem with no solution
    reinstall the plugin and vlc 8.6 and reinstall the image with no answer
    the db restart after pressing ok over the video on db

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by ahmedtr_2000

    the same problem with no solution
    reinstall the plugin and vlc 8.6 and reinstall the image with no answer
    the db restart after pressing ok over the video on db

    Have you tried this version ?


  • Zitat

    Originally posted by bdhpl
    i have the same problem, tuner restart after pressing ok
    Can you help?

    Please try the new version here :-


    Any problem - please post in that thread. Then we will try to get some info from your setup. Many things can be wrong - it is difficult to say what - until we get some info from the run.

    Regards, pcd.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pcd ()

  • Das selbe Problem hier. VLC läuft aufm PC. VLC-Client läuft auf der Box fehlerfrei, d.h. spielt alles mögliche zur Box, nur beim YouTubePlayer startet enigma neu nachdem ich ein YouTube Video ausgewählt habe.

    Kann jemand helfen?

  • Ich habe auch das gleiche Problem. Wenn ich Dream neu gestartet habe, kann ich einen Clip sehen, danach wenn ich nächsten starten will bootet Enigma neu, also läuft das Plugin bei mir unstabil.
    Hat schon jemand eine Lösung gefunden?
    Gemini 4.70, VLC 0.8.6i, Youtubeplayer E1_70x0 oder E1.v.3.0.
