Help with DM520

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • Last year i flashed my box, but the software didnt work properly, so i decided to flash the box again.
    I put the box in rescue mode, but when i type in "http://dm520 in the web browser, the dreambox webcontrol appears instead of the update page.
    What is dreambox webcontrol?
    Then i went in the settings of the box to update the software online, and now the box only shows the red box, and does not boot properly so the blue light appears.
    Please help!

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by sky4
    give this in your browser:
    so have i everytime flashed my 525.

    It doesn`t work. "webpage can not be found".

  • Zitat


    sorry, i have a error in the text.

    "" - so is right. and this text must stay on your tv display, when you press the button in front from your dreambox.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von sky4 ()

  • The address does (of course) only work in a based network. So if you have another router, you need another address.

    Typically the address shown in the display, should be fine. If your browser shows a different web page under that address, then this is usually a cache-problem. Try clearing the cache of your browser or reload via Ctrl + F5 or Shift + F5.

    so long

    :aufsmaul: Kein Support per PN! :aufsmaul:

  • Thank you all for your help.
    I could not solve the problem, so i found someone whos says he can flash the box.
    Hopefully he can fix it.

  • Unfortunatly, the box is now useless. My friend tried to flash it, but said that was impossible.
    He had a problem with the bootloader, and couldn`t fix it.
    Does anyone know it i could get it repaired through the warranty?
    The box is only 4 months old, but i dont know if the store will wanna repare it.

  • you should ask the support direct.

    in germany we can ship the package to dream property.
    but idk where you are from :thinking_face: and don't know the shipping costs

  • I live in Sweden. I emailed the store i bought the box from, and i am waiting for a reply.
    Thank you all for your advice.