Hello to all,
Thanks for this new ICVS.
Is Media High Way EPG implemented as it was in the previous images ?
Hello to all,
Thanks for this new ICVS.
Is Media High Way EPG implemented as it was in the previous images ?
Aber cross-epg ist nur mit internet, Mediahihway ist fra satellite (mit channel DT1) und ist besser fur mich...
Hallo an alle,
wo finde ich nun den Mediahighway EPG ( für CSAT) ?
Und es ist nicht mehr Autoresolution und Video-enhancement
Thank you very much,
In case of problem, is it possible to go back to the old kernel (for example flash back with gemini 4.7) ?
@ Tweek
Here is a schematic of my circuit (made with paint , as I have nothing better at home)
You can put the components on a small test-printed board (with a hole every 2.5 mm).
Hope it will help
Hello to all,
Question to the Plugin's Gods :
As the sound volume can be very different from one channel to another, we need often to manually adjust the volume with the remote control.
Would it be possible to make a plugin which can adjust the sound volume for each channel (provided of course the parameters have been manually entered in for example a xml file matching with the .db file of the existing list of channel) ?
list of components :
1 resistor 22 K Ohms (connected between pin 8 of scart and pin1 of optocoupler)
1 optocoupler 4N25
1 Transistor npn BC548 (connected at the output of optocoupler)
1 Relay sub miniature (omron G5V1)
1 small connector (for the 2 pins beside inside usb plug) for +5v and GND
1fan EBM PAPST 255M (5 volts 25 x 25 x 8mm)
1 column 1 inch long M2.5 mm
Thats all ! No more cooking card and no noise ( you cannot hear any noise at 1.50m from the dreambox in a very silent room), and the fan will stop when the DM800 is in standby.
Nothing to be seen from outside.
thanks for the tip !
here is the picture
Yes but How ?
"bild einfugen" button asks me a http adress ... and the picture is on my computer. How to proceed to join a picture ?
QuoteDisplay MoreOriginal von niglou
Hello to all
I installed a small papst fan 25 x 25 x 8 mm 15dbA 5 volts inside the box. All is cool now even with HD programs.
My wish is to stop the fan when the DM800 is in standby. The usb plugs are always powered even in standby...
My question : Does anyone know where to found a +5Volt which goes to 0 when in standby ? (even if I must interface the command of the fan)
Solved !!!
There is pin N° 8 on the scart which gives 6 V in use and 0V on standby.
I just made a tiny printed circuit board of 20 x 20 mm with an optocoupler and a small relay -> now the fan stops when the box is in standby.
Hello to all
I installed a small papst fan 25 x 25 x 8 mm 15dbA 5 volts inside the box. All is cool now even with HD programs.
My wish is to stop the fan when the DM800 is in standby. The usb plugs are always powered even in standby...
My question : Does anyone know where to found a +5Volt which goes to 0 when in standby ? (even if I must interface the command of the fan)
Hallo gutemine,
You were right, mountie light 1.9 works fine.
The only small problem comes with the popups on each restart :
1 camd start
2 a new device has been found
3 mountie
4 camd start
Is there a way to store somewhere that if the disk was already mounted on last boot, then no need of all those popups ? Same way as last channel or last camd used.
QuoteOriginal von gutemine
well, is it really my fault that GP2 is not doing such a great job in their udev implementation ?
And Mountie4GP2 should be an enhancement and not a replacement
Agree 100 % with you !!!
May be GP2 Team use the DM800 with sata disk inside as a toaster ???
Unfortunately my hdmi cable is not long enough to have my dreambox into the kitchen
Anyway, i will give a try with mountie light 1.9 and report.
Hallo Gutemine,
I found a bug ? in mountie 1.1 :
I am using gemini 4.3 in flash and have a usb disk western digital. The record function is working very well.
When I want to play the recorded files, the list is ok, but when I select one, the bloo*y Device manager tells me that a usb device has been found and asks with what I want to associate sda1 with (picture player, juke box..and so on; all but hard disk).
I can read my recorded file only after restart of the DM800...
My question : Is there a way to disable the device manager ? or at least to fix it (until the device manager takes in account that a usb device can be a hard disk intended to record movies) ?
QuoteDisplay MoreOriginal von gutemine
No, the Gemini Images have their device manager who allows to initialize devices. And theIDE/SATA Harddisks are automatically labeled hdd to make you life easier. I don't want to duplicate functionality, sorry.
And Doing the hdd labeling for USB devices would mean inventing a crystal ball - I would need to check if you have an internal harddisk too, and how should I know that an USB stick should not be formatted and labeled, and other people would want a big stick for recordings to be labelet hdd too.
Too much of a mess -
Thanks for your reply Gutemine,
Are you sure if I insert a usb disk, before launching mountie, the "Initialize function" of device manager will format it in ext3 and not use vfat ? (I do not like sata or ide disk because they all become hot and noisy....)
For the labelling, I was meaning just add a line in the plugin menue to get both name hdd and folder movie.... so no need of cristal ball with new energy cell into it
Hello Gutemine,
Could you please insert in your "more than great" Mountie 1.1 plugin a function to format in ext3 the usb disk; and why not to automatically name "hdd" the disk ?
Thanks very much.
QuoteDisplay MoreOriginal von gutemine
Let's say it that way - the Gemini Team probably didn't like my rawdevice not mounting fix for the udev_mount.sh.
Anyway - when you Flash Gemini 4.3 all your installed Plugins from 4.2 will be gone. But in the Mountie4GP2 Thread you will find the Mountie4GP2 ipk 1.1 to be used with 4.3 of GP2 (and yes, it contains also the radevice not mounting fix)
Thank you very much Gutemine, you're really the Dreambox King !!!
Thanks to the whole team for that release !!!
I'm still having problem with usb disk. I understood the new device-manager was able to format and mount the disk....
* Manager for format, setup or mount devices (BP -> Device-manager)
My usb disk is still mounted as /media/sda .....
Is it normal, then should I use mountie4GP2 ? (amazingly this plugin has vanished from the list (menu / extensions) ).
look there :
Dreambox Software :::... » Dreambox Plugins (Enigma2) » Mountie Light und Mountie für Enigma2
Use "enigma2-plugin-extensions-mountie-light_1.9_all.ipk" plugin.
Your disk will be automatically mounted on next reboot.
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