[solved]Weather plugin problem

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  • I have Dreambox 8000 hd, with experimental 2.0.0 image and Gemini 3.2.
    I have installed Gemini weather plugin and id does not work.
    I always have message "unable to configure plugin ". I've tried a lot of cities without success.
    I'v tried to reinstall image, to reinstall gemini, to reinstall plugin, but always the same......" unable to configure plugin"..... :frowning_face:

    Do you have some advice?

  • gemini weather plugin working without any problem, which city did you try to add?

    and wwich version (date) of the image?

    and which version og GP?

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Bschaar
    gemini weather plugin working without any problem, which city did you try to add?

    and wwich version (date) of the image?

    and which version og GP?

    1.Tried with Berlin, London, Paris and Belgrade

    2. Date: 2013-04-24 17:34
    Enigma2: 3.999git20130424-r9.1
    Distro: opendreambox 2.0.0
    Machine: Dreambox dm8000

    3. GP version 067 - r4

  • same image over here

    just added London to test, and it works as it should

    when does the error message pops up?

    can you search the city?

    do you get a list to select the correct city? (I got 4 results when looking for "london")

  • I have this problem until gemini wetter 0.15 came out
    I wrote here GeminiWetter 0.15
    but no one answer me:(

    Meanwhile several time I flashed my dreambox, I did it today again....Flashed with the new image, just install gemini plugin ( nothing else ) and first that I tried it was gemini weather pluguin with no success...:(

    I can search city....First I tried London, then Berlin and Paris....always the same....
    I also have 4 results for London:

    London UK. London Ontario Canada, London Kentacky, London Ohio...

    I' ve just tried Foreca weather and works ok....

    But I want Gemini weather because I can put data in sensor fileds....

    edit: Now I tried to add London, Ohio.......and I have message " pleese wait " for about five minutes...:(

    edit2: Nothing happened after 20 mionutes....And then I escape from plugin weather,...It does not work for me:(

  • can you access MSN over a browser to see the weather from those locations?


    I guess there is someting wrong with accessing the msn website from your location (where are you from?)

  • no Idea what is wrong on your side

    sorry, no more ideas

    maybe someone else has an other idea...

  • Thanks for trying.....
    I can live without gemini weather:).....But all this time i tried to find out what is the problem without success....
    If someone else have an idea..... :face_with_rolling_eyes:

  • What is your language on the box? MSN does not support all language versions.

    Look at line in /etc/enigma2/settings and post it (example)
    config.osd.language = de_DE

  • Refresh does not help. When I press "update" first message is " wait please" and then " unable to configure weather"

    Language is serbian config.osd.language=sr_YU

    But when I change to english nothing happens :loudly_crying_face: I mean weather still does not work.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I am just interested to know, where is your geminicache located?
    Do you use the default path?

    Or is it mapped to a removable device? And is it correcttly mountet?
    And what is the filesystem?
    And what is the content if you open the .geminicache/weather.conf

    You can also edit the weather.conf file and add the correct syntax.
    Example for berlin :

    wc:GMXX0007:Berlin, Germany

  • Yes, "sr_yu" not supported by MSN. You can even try to change plugin.py. In general, the Gemini team needs this fixed. (if it works) Some languages require a fallback to en_us.
    Change line 86 in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Bp/geminiweather/plugin.py
    (config.osd.language.value to "en_us")
    cmd = "%s -l %s -v %s &" %(WEATHERBINARY,"en_us", unit)

    Then restart E2. I have not test it and don't know if it works. without guarantee :grinning_squinting_face:

  • Well, I don't know...I think that everything is by default. I did not mapped anything on my own....I do not how to do it:)
    Where I can find geminicache?


    That's it.......

    :thx: You make my day....

    Thanks to ALL who tried to help of course....