Dm600pvr Enigma2 Pcd 7.0

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  • Hi PCD,
    As you might remember I was very sceptical about E2 on Dm600, but decided to try it anyway. Great work!
    I am surprised at the speed - I expected it to be a lot slower.

    I only have one problem - I cannot get the rytec-UK epg to load
    1. Go Import Configuration and set up the Rytec source and save it.
    2. I then do a manual download (yellow button)and it loads around 2900 events before it says the GUI needs to be restarted. Whether I reply yes or no it then restarts Enigma and afterwards there is still just now/next EPG.

    On my DM500hd I loose the EPG when I restart Enigma, so the restart seems wrong.

    Any help appreciated.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • Hi shumifan50,

    Sorry, I have not tested the plugin EPGImport for a long time. At home we use skybox ! :grinning_squinting_face:

    After download - do you see something (epg.dat) at the bottom of /media/hdd ?

    After reboot it should go into the image.

    Perhaps kalehrl can help - he is the expert ! :)

  • Hey pcd ...

    Na das ist ja super, dann werde ich mich die Tage doch mal an meine 600er Dreambox machen :)
    Wie flashe ich das Imahe denn am einfachsten ?
    Per Web oder mit DreamUp (welche Version) ?

    Bin schon gespannt wie es läuft ... CU No.Trace !!!

  • I find the following files on /media/hdd after the reboot:

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von shumifan50 ()

  • You should have a file named epg_new.dat in /media/hdd folder.
    I set up automatic download at 6 oclock and it always works.
    I don't use Sky UK epg though.

    You also need to have this line in and enigma2.sh_txtok in /usr/bin:

    [ -f /media/hdd/epg_new.dat ] && cp /media/hdd/epg_new.dat /media/hdd/epg.dat

    Put it between

    cd /home/root


    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/enigma2
  • Zitat

    Originally posted by No.Trace
    Hey pcd ...

    Na das ist ja super, dann werde ich mich die Tage doch mal an meine 600er Dreambox machen :)
    Wie flashe ich das Imahe denn am einfachsten ?
    Per Web oder mit DreamUp (welche Version) ?

    Bin schon gespannt wie es läuft ... CU No.Trace !!!

    I use :-


    Also try :-


    Regards, pcd.

  • Hi ...

    danke für die Infos ... das werde ich doch später mal testen.
    Hoffe das sich das "upgrade" vom OpenPLI zum E2 pcd 7.0 lohnt.

    Kann ich denn meine Senderliste dan auch weiter nutzen, oder muss
    ich da eine für E2 haben ?

    CU No.Trace !!!

  • die images von pcd lohnen sich immer - hatte es schon seit sehr langer zeit in betrieb - noch nie ärger gehabt oder unstabil!

    die settingsliste kannst du einfach mit dreamboxedit in e2- files wandeln!
    das kannst du hier aus den forum oder database laden!
    vorher am besten mit den programm auslesen und unter einstellungen denn zur version 4 wandeln - thats all!

  • kalehrl: Thanks for the reply.
    Both files are there and have the indicated line in them.
    There is a file epg_new.dat in /media/hdd. I also tried copying this file to epg.dat (but it just gets removd).

    I restrted the GUI, but except for removing epg.dat, nothing happens, epg_new.dat is still there and no epg.dat.
    Itried it with downloading and rebooting linux as well, but no change. It seems like the line in the 2 scripts does not run for some reason

    It could also be a missing module as the enigma output produces the following:


    self.ifaces after loading: {'eth0': {'preup': False, 'ip': [192, 168, 1, 65], '
    [Toplevel.importExternalModules] Could NOT import external module: AutoTimer
    [Toplevel.importExternalModules] Exception Caught No module named AutoTimer.AutoTimerResource
    [Toplevel.importExternalModules] Could NOT import external module: EPGRefresh
    [Toplevel.importExternalModules] Exception Caught No module named EPGRefresh.EPGRefreshResource

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von shumifan50 ()

  • Hallo,

    habe das Image schon seit einige Zeit drauf und es läuft ganz gut,nur bei Wiedergabe eine Aufnahme ist das Vor und Zurückspulen leider nicht möglich. Kann ich da irgendetwas einstellen damit es auch funktioniert ?
    Mit den Tasten 1-4-7 und 3-6-9 geht es.


    have the image already existed for some time on it and it runs quite well, only when playing back a recording and rewind is not possible before. Because I can adjust anything to make this work?
    1-4-7 and 3-6-9 with the keys to do it.

  • It could be missing dependencies.
    Have you installed these packages:


  • Please see Post 1 tip for Video Playback. :)

  • Hi,

    After a long time - I looked into this plugin again !

    After it completes the work and restarts gui - you said you find epg_new.dat. Rename it to epg.dat. Then do these telnet commands :-

    init 4
    killall -9 enigma2
    enigma2>/tmp/e.log 2>&1 &

    If you now look in the file /tmp/e.log - you should see :-

    Now you should see the full epg.

    If this does not work - your channel ref in lamedb may be different from what the plugin supplies. Please test with BBC 1 London. I have tested it ok.

  • Here are all the EPG log lines. It seems to do everything right, but some of the usubsequent lines must be deleting the EPG again.

    A stupid question:
    Getting the EPG:
    1.Move to channel in channel select list and press info, then press 'Single EPG'

    Is that the correct method, or must I do something different?

    The red text highlights the expected lines.
    The pink lines seems suspect as it looks like the EPG is being overwritten

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von shumifan50 ()

  • If you see the red lines - it is done. These 5237 epg events have been put in the image.

    To see the epg - first make a favourite bouquet. Do you know how to ?

    Open the channel list - point to a channel and press Menu. Add the channel to the new bouquet. Exit.

    Press info button - then blue button - select the bouquet.

    Or - long press info button - select graphical multi epg.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pcd ()

  • pcd
    Thanks for the answer. I tried exactly the way you described and still get no EPG, except for now/next.

    Somewhere I saw something about required ipk installs, but I cant seem to find it again. Are there any additional installs that need to be done (except from the download menu in the image) ?

    I seem to remember something about python-twisted.ipk and some other.

    I will keep digging.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • I use rytec epg on dm500hd/dm800/dm7025 and it works fine, so I think the likelyhood of a service mismatch is minimal as the EPG does its matching by name from the feed to the name in the xml file - so if it works on one box it should work on all boxes(I guess).

    Maybe I need to re-install.
    Question: I flashed it with dreamup (serial LOL) the first time. Is it possible to flash it by holding the button while booting and just flash from a browser once the first flash has been done, or must I use dreamup every time (I know I can use the network in dreamup). In other words has only the second stage loader been changed or has the main bootloader also been updated to support downloading .nfi files.
    I really like the image, so I would love to get it all working.

    I am also trying to port my IPCamViewer to it, but I am still having some trouble with it. It doesnt crash, but it fails to display the jpg images.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.