when new icvs?

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • If I have an old iCVS installed (Dez. 2010) and I have no stress and no really big troubles with my boxes, should I wait for a completely new iCVS or take the one from March (because there is no new iCVS planned for the next weeks/months)?

  • So, no answere is still an answere: I think that means, that I should install the version from March because ther won't come a new version soon...

  • there is no plan to build a new image since there are no changes from DMM which make that necessary, today was a new update for the image :winking_face:

  • ...you mean an inofficial ImageUpdate (Beta, RC, ...) from DMM!?
    So I will wait a little bit longer... :winking_face:

  • No not inofficial updates...

    The updates given by DMM for their feed are so "small" that it makes no sense to build a complete new image. It makes more sense to install these small updates on your box instead of re-flashing your box.

    It only makes sense to build a complete new image if there are huge changes that make it nearly impossible to update without bigger problems.

  • Thanks, so I have no reason to wait. But now I have less time...
    Maybe I will finde some spare time next Weekend, to flash the Boxes with the March iCVS...