DM800 gimini 4.4 and recordings

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • i used to record with my box some clips with out problems

    since one week now and each time i record and i check the file it look very bad "bad audio and video its like week signal"

    i did not change anything in my setup

    is there something wrong with the tuner ?

  • Too little info:
    1. Can you still watch the channels you are recording without problems?
    2. Do you record on DM hard disk or on network drive?

    If you can watch the channels without a problem, then the tuner is fine and it must be a hard disk problem, or you need to set up a swap file (memory space problem), or you have a corrupted installation.

    If you record on a network drive then it could be something on the network changed, causing it to be too slow.

    Record a channel that you are watching, making sure the picture is fine during the recording. Then play it back, which should also be fine, If it is not, then you have to investigate the recording media. It might also be an idea to re-initialise the disk and/or reflash the box.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • thank you for the reply

    its on a network drive "my debian box with samba", free and incoded channels.

    maybe i will wait for a new gimini and i will reflash again.
    i never used swap on my DM maybe i will give it a try on my usb stick.

    thanks again for your time

  • Check your network and try to use NFS instead of CIFS (Samba). You might also have got a virus on some other device on your network that is causing the problem by generating a lot of traffic - check your network traffic. I think you will find your recordings are fine, it is the playback that is the problem. Check this by watching the recorded files on the device that has the hard disk installed.

    2 x DM7025SS (Gemini2v4.4), DM600(PCD 7.0), DM800S (Gemini 4.4) TM9100(UR9B2), DM500HD, Triax 88cm dish, Technomate motor.

  • thank you shumifan50

    i have configured NFS export on my debian box and the recordings now are fantastic!!

    the problem was from samba cifs

    thanks again