Plugin CopyMedia2db - Beta

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  • A plugin to copy media files (mpg, mp3, mp4, divx, dvd) to pc to play later directly from the hdd (without pc). Tested with hdd but should also work with cf and usb storage.

    Dies ist ein Test-Plugin. Ich habe es für meinen eigenen Gebrauch. Wenn Sie andere Vorschläge haben - bitte nach Sie können auch in Deutsch schreiben.

    This is a trial plugin. I wrote it for my own use. If you have other suggestions - please post.

    The copying is done in 2 stages :-

    Prepare media : transcodes media to a temporary share folder.

    Copy : copies from the temporary folder to pc hdd.

    After installing the attached ipkg :-

    (1) Media files should be in a pc share folder. Any dvd in the dvd drive.

    (1) Start vlc 0.8.6 on pc.

    (2) Mount dreambox cifs.

    (3) Edit the follwing details in the file /etc/copy2db.conf :

    # pc ip
    # http port
    # dvd drive
    # pc media folder (cifs share folder)
    # temp folder (must be inside the pc share folder)
    # dreambox cifs mount (eg. /media/hdd/movie)
    # destination folder in dreambox

    NOTE : The dreambox destination folder
    must NOT be in the CIFS mount folder

    The media can be watched (a) (on the fly) while transcoding, (b) while copying to dreambox or (c) later without pc.

    That is all. Simply start the plugin.

    Regards, pcd.