[Gelöst] Linux ProjectX Gui startet nicht

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  • Hallo,

    ich versuche gerade Project X unter openSuSE 10.3 zum laufen zu bekommen. Ich hab mir auf der SUN Seite eine 1.6 Version JRE gezogen. Diese habe ich nach /opt/java/jre1.6.0_03-64bit entpackt. Nun versuche ich mit "opt/java/jre1.6.0_03-64bit/bin/java -jar projectx.jar" zu starten (befinde mich im Verzeichnis in dem ProjectX entpackt ist). Jetzt bekomme ich allerdings die Meldung:

    Version: ProjectX
    Reading GUI-Switch...
    Reading Help Switch...
    Reading Config File Switch...
    Start with GUI...
    Loading last Config or Standard File...
    ini load error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/projectx/X.ini (No such file or directory)
    Loading Language -> 'en'

    ProjectX OoZooN.TV Edition , User: chrkli193

    - this is a free Java based demux utility.
    - It is intended for educational purposes only, as a non-commercial test project.
    - released under the terms of the GNU GPL.
    - there is NO WARRANTY of any kind attached to this software.
    - use it at your own risk and for your own education.
    - compiled by OoZooN.
    - not supportet by the author.
    - a service of http://www.oozoon.tv.

    Java Environment
    October 7, 2007 3:47:23 PM CEST
    java.version 1.6.0_03
    java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.home /opt/java/jre1.6.0_03-64bit
    java.vm.version 1.6.0_03-b05
    java.vm.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.name Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    java.class.vers 50.0
    java.class.path projectx.jar
    os.name Linux
    os.arch amd64
    ini.file /opt/projectx/X.ini
    ext.disk.access disabled or library not found
    user.language en
    user.name chrkli193
    user.home /home/chrkli193

    quick CL usage:
    Note: CL doesn't load the GUI components, except with switch [-gui]
    <without options> ...starts the GUI
    switches and inputfiles can be in any order

    [-ini <path + inifile>] ..use that specified iniFile instead of the standard
    [-dvx1] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile on demux
    [-dvx2] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
    [-dvx3] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile + .mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
    [-dvx4] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav + mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
    [-out <path>] ..use that specified directory for output
    [-name <filename>] ..use that specified filename for output
    [-cut <file>] ..use that text based file as cutpoint list
    [-chp <file>] ..use that text based file as chapterpoint list
    [-id <tokens>] ..use only these (P)IDs, separated by comma ","
    [-gui] ..display the GUI using all given CLI options
    [-log] ..write the normal logfile
    [-saveini] ..save changes made bei CLI in active .ini
    [-split <xxx>] ..split output at xxx MB
    [-demux, -tom2p, -topva, -tovdr, -tots, -filter] ..action types

    Loading Basic Classes...
    Reading CLI Switches...
    Preparing GUI (if enabled)...
    Check Commons-Net library access...
    Loading AC3 frames...
    Stopped! Can't start GUI, Classes not available...

    Kann mir jemand helfen?

    Vielen Dank!

  • Ich hab's zwar nur unter Win laufen, aber mich macht


    Note: CL doesn't load the GUI components, except with switch [-gui]

    Füge doch mal testweise -gui in den Aufruf ein.

    Meine Projekte: TVB-Parser, WebIF-Expert, DreamBox-Offline-Timer, StandBy2DeepStandBy...

  • ok ich habs herausgefunden.

    lag daran, dass meine konsole nicht auf den screen zugreifen konnte und man musste noch vorher


    da es noch einen Java Fehler gab.

    hab mir dann einfach ein kleines shell skript gebaut und starte das über den desktop

    hier das skript


    /opt/java/jre1.6.0_03-64bit/bin/java -jar /opt/projectx/projectx.jar