Kodi 18.2 untertiteln mit gstreamer

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  • Hello
    I have a problem with subtitles on Kodi, looks like gstreamer is not supporting it in a straight way. Using VideoPlayer, subs are working ok, but not with gstreamer. Are there any other videoPlayers with hardware acceleration and supporting subtitles for OE2.5 and DM920? Or how can we enable the subtitles on gstreamer?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    is not implemented in gstreamer player for kodi

    no brain no pain! :495:
    Auf gar keinen Fall die GP-Wiki lesen!!
    sie könnte Deinen Kopf zu schwer für Deinen Hals machen :grinning_squinting_face:

    attachment.php?attachmentid=158292 Wir wollen uns für das Update bedanken!!