Mytube Player Problem

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • hello everybody ,i download plugin mytube player from bp but nothing was appear in plugin's list and my box still crahed ( green-screen ) , my box DM 500 HD usinh the GP3.2

  • hello freind netman , good afternoon , i can't post it because i reflashed the box , it made crash every time i using the remote control

  • why ? Is it forbidden ? Ist es verboten?
    i want to install it for a new time + i want to use the GP3 ( yours )
    there are many well images i can use what i want , your answer is bad pefffffffff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rot:

  • Sorry,

    but you haven't understood what we need.
    If you have a problem with a specific plugin, we need a detailed error report so that we can investigate the error.
    A simple "your plugin crashes - I reflash" won't help neither yourself nor us because if there is really an error in the plugin, then we can't figure it out why this error happened to you.

    Please be aware that every image supplied for a Dreambox except the original ones are done by dreambox users that don't get any money for their work.
    If you want to have a receiver where you get ultimate support in case of an error, buy any other receiver but NOT a dreambox!

    By the way:


    there are many well images i can use what i want , your answer is bad pefffffffff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rot:

    Why don't you use any of that images then? And there are known incompatiblilities between the GP3 plugin and other images except the original DMM ones and the iCVS ones.

  • mytube is working without problems in OE2.0 (GP3.2 and dmm experimental image).