2LANG for OE1.6

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    no brain no pain! :495:
    Auf gar keinen Fall die GP-Wiki lesen!!
    sie könnte Deinen Kopf zu schwer für Deinen Hals machen :grinning_squinting_face:

    attachment.php?attachmentid=158292 Wir wollen uns für das Update bedanken!!

  • Thank you very much, but plugin doesn't show up after install.

    Neither under Plugin browser, or long pressed Blue button.

    Installation goes fine, without any errors.

    Using DM800 with Gemini 5.0.

    What could be wrong ?

  • You must also install 2sub v3.01 and restart enigma2 then you will see the plugins (2sub/2lang) in plugins menu :winking_face:

    Have Fun And Dream On

    DF-II Team Member :pokal:

  • Thanks tunhj1, i actually have 2sub also for OE 1.6, which functions fine, but 2lang strangely doesn't show up amongst plugins, while 2sub does.

    Don't guess the install order has anything to say (i installed 2sub first, then 2lang) ?

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by kraksen
    Thanks tunhj1, i actually have 2sub also for OE 1.6, which functions fine, but 2lang strangely doesn't show up amongst plugins, while 2sub does.

    Don't guess the install order has anything to say (i installed 2sub first, then 2lang) ?

    You will never see 2Lang in plugins menu (because 2sub/2Lang work to together, and the is 2sub-menu how is change 2lang) :winking_face:

    2sub = subtitles
    2lang = Languages (Audio), if the are one channel how have more and 1 Languages (as the Cartoon Network channel on 0,8W send out Norwegian,Swedish,Danish and english Language (Audio) at the same time)
    and if you have install 2sub and 2lang and selected english in 2sub menu under primary Langwage and go to Cartoon Network the 2lang will switch sow you only get english languages (Audio) :hurra:

    Have Fun And Dream On

    DF-II Team Member :pokal: