Beiträge von veselinv

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...

-> Aktuell bereiten wir das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version 6 von Woltlab vor.

    Sorry,it was mistake with my connection,I saw it few minutes after,but didnt know how to delete other two...BTW,this is english corner and still german words under the message space,I am not shure which button for which option.Sorry once again,but no answer for my post?

    Any logical explanation for my problem,please.My 7025 is with gemini 3.80 in flash,nabilo,newnigma2 and LT on CF 256Mb.I am using gbox 2.25 with all images.Just with gemini I cant record on HDD 200Gb,when recording scramblled channel,which gbox opens.It is shown "recording sarted...",but after is not able to read from HDD,even is not possible io open the file on PC.When trying free channell,no problems at all.All the other images no problems...Any idea?

    Any logical explanation for following problem:I have DM 7025 with gemini 3.80 in flash,and nabilo,newnigma and LT on CF,using gbox in all of them.Just with gemini I cant record on internal HDD,200GB.It shows me "start recording" but after can not read that,if recorded was from scrambled channel,wich gbox opens.When free channel,no problems at all?I remember last year it was OK,I tried downgrading gemini untill 3.0, but same problem.Any idea how to solve this,because gemini is my favorite image...

    Hi,I want to say that everything about tuner configuration and further functions is working properly on Newnigma2,LT 5 and last Nabilo, just gemini not working...My DM 7025 has gemini in flash and other 3 images on CF card,under Barry Allen.Also just with gemini 3.80 I have problems with recordings on harddisc...I am not shure which older gemini version was working properly with this stuff,but for shure was not 3.50 or 3.60,was someone before...

    The problem is that after trying something I described in a previous post,dreambox block,and there is no other way to make it running except sweeching behind.Few times I was waiting for a long time,expecting something happen,but no...I also tried formating harddisc,but everything was same.Now I tried to check crashlog file,but dreambox blocked when I tried to enter on media/hdd directory by Total Comander. I must mention that all the other directories are funcioning properly.And finally,when restart,there is no crash log on the harddisc.Strange,isnt it?

    My problem is how to record or make any other function which concern harddisc when that is in stand-by mode.For example,even back-up or restore from harddisc,make enigma crash if the disc is in stand-by mode,not to mention recording or trying to watch recorded movies.I have DM 7025 with harddisc WD 200GB,and compact flash 256Mb,OOzoon in flash,gemini 3.80 and nabilo on the CF.I allready tried all combinations but nothing helps,neither gemini in flash.Is it possible to make some good how-toos in english for nongerman speaking funs of gemini?And why is not allowed google to translate pages of our forum?Best regards from Serbia,with hope somebody will help.

    I think this is not about front processor upgrade,because I had same problem before upgrade from 2 to 7.I think that it is about some bad sector in a flash memory,last two times while flashing I used option RECOVERY bad sectors in dream up,and now is much better,but still happening from time to time,even on free channels,with excellent signall.Hope that somebody could help us about this problem,regards,Vuk.

    I have a same problem on different transponders,on different satellites,including Astra 19.2,when usually signall strength is more than 93%,BER 0,but changing to other channell and coming back after some time it shows SNR 60% or something like this,and big values of BER,than messagge TUNE FAILED or sometimes also mentioned one: SID NOT FOUND IN THE PAT.Most frequentlly this happens on Digital+ Spain transponders,on FTA channells too,and on Total TV on 16E.Thanks in advance,Vuk.

    just to clarify about BER,have excellent signal at all satellites,just changing the channel with strongest signal and coming back on the same one,it show me bad signal and big BER,if I am all time on the same channel,nothing happens,excellent signal all time.For this reason I think that it is not hardware problem with tuners,and maybe is software or memory.Sorry once again,but i am more than 20 years in this satellite world and first time happens something so strange.To mention that DM 7025 is my receiver number 16 or 17 in the row for this years,had receiver when less than 20 analogue channels was on Astra,ha,ha,ha.

    Right now for example,on Astra,11038V,I have SNR 97%,AGC 93%, and BER 0.After changing to some channel,and when back to the previous,SNR is about 60%,AGC about 90%,and BER is showing very different numbers from 8000 to 18000,and message TUNE FAILED.But now after clicking OK on remote some times and after 10-15 seconds, picture is on.But on 11686V,even showing SNR93% and AGC 90%,I received message,service not found,SID not found in the PAT.Could be some bad sector in memory?And what you mean to put tuner 2 in slot of tuner 2?Suppose you was thinking to change hardware tuners inside?Could I put LNB in tuner 2 and make loopthrough for tuner 1?It seems that is about hardware not gemini?Sorry for bothering you,and thank you very much.Regards,Veselin.

    Thanks a lot,I will try everything you said,and inform about jobe done. I tried with DMM image from 26.03,but everything was same,and when recovery option on dream-up was enabled,no information at all.And now to be more concrete,almost every time I change to some chanells with frequencies under 11GHz,on all satellites,getting message TUNE FAILED,when I make new search of transponder,message is nothing found.When repeating the search,usually it find every channell and after that tunning is normal untill next change to another transponder.Very strange,isnt it?Every kind of help is welcome.thanks in advance,Vuk.

    Please help me about these problems,I will explain shortly some of them.
    Using geminii 2.3,when flashing have message THE HARDWARE DETECTED A BREAK CONDITION,when recovery bad sectors is enabled next message is FOUND INJECTABLE DCA AT POSITION 261841 and after that flashing is normal.After restart there are some very strange behaviours,long time booting and lot of crashes of enigma,also loosing signal in some strong transponders with messages TUNE FAILED or NO FREE TUNER and so on.Problems with recording,instead of 150 min it makes 20 or sometime it record all time on hard disk but it is not readable at all,problems with comunication with diseqc positioner and so on.Can somebody say me whats happening and what solution could be.
    For experts I put these crash logs,some of many of them.Please help.

    Please help me about these problems,I will explain shortly some of them.
    Using geminii 2.3,when flashing have message THE HARDWARE DETECTED A BREAK CONDITION,when recovery bad sectors is enabled next message is FOUND INJECTABLE DCA AT POSITION 261841 and after that flashing is normal.After restart there are some very strange behaviours,long time booting and lot of crashes of enigma,also loosing signal in some strong transponders with messages TUNE FAILED or NO FREE TUNER and so on.Problems with recording,instead of 150 min it makes 20 or sometime it record all time on hard disk but it is not readable at all,problems with comunication with diseqc positioner and so on.Can somebody say me whats happening and what solution could be.
    For experts I put these crash log,one of many of them.Please help.

    enigma2 crashed on Wed May 23 02:20:42 2007
    enigma2 CVS TAG: D2007.
    enigma2 checked out from
    please email this file to
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 3, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off
    OURSTATE: ok
    action -> SetupActions right
    unknown action SetupActions/right! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions right
    tuning to transponder with data (11288, 22000, 1, 1, 2, 4
    Entry for 4,8? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 4.800000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d10b
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11288000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 1 orbpos 48
    tuning to 1538 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    [SEC] setTone 0
    [SEC] sleep 15ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f0
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    It's now Wed May 23 02:20:11 2007
    [] next activation: 1179879711 (in 99990 ms)
    OURSTATE: failed
    action -> SetupActions ok
    tuning to transponder with data (11288, 22000, 1, 1, 2, 4
    Entry for 4,8? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 4.800000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d10b
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11288000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 1 orbpos 48
    tuning to 1538 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    action -> SetupActions cancel
    OURSTATE: failed
    action -> DirectionActions down
    action -> DirectionActions downUp
    unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
    action -> MsgBoxActions ok
    action -> OkCancelActions ok
    0 : [[(40, 'Eurobird4 (4.0E)'), (48, 'Astra1C/Sirius2/3 (4.8E)'), (70, 'EutelsatW3A (7.0E)'), (100, 'EutelsatW1 (10.0E)'), (130, 'HotBird6/7A/8 (13.0E)'), (160, 'EutelsatW2 (16.0E)'), (192, 'Astra1E/1F/1G/1H/1KR/2C (19.2E)'), (235, 'Astra1D/3A (23.5E)'), (282, 'Eurobird1/Astra2A/2B/2D (28.2E)'), (3300, 'Hispasat1C/1D (30.0W)'), (3450, 'Telstar12 (15.0W)'), (3475, 'AtlanticBird1 (12.5W)'), (3520, 'Telecom2D/AtlanticBird2 (8.0W)'), (3530, 'Nilesat101/102/AtlanticBird4 (7.0W)'), (3550, 'AtlanticBird3 (5.0W)'), (3560, 'Amos1/2 (4.0W)'), (3590, 'Thor2/3/Intelsat10-02 (1.0W)')], []]
    1 : [[(40, 'Eurobird4 (4.0E)'), (48, 'Astra1C/Sirius2/3 (4.8E)'), (70, 'EutelsatW3A (7.0E)'), (100, 'EutelsatW1 (10.0E)'), (130, 'HotBird6/7A/8 (13.0E)'), (160, 'EutelsatW2 (16.0E)'), (192, 'Astra1E/1F/1G/1H/1KR/2C (19.2E)'), (235, 'Astra1D/3A (23.5E)'), (282, 'Eurobird1/Astra2A/2B/2D (28.2E)'), (3300, 'Hispasat1C/1D (30.0W)'), (3450, 'Telstar12 (15.0W)'), (3475, 'AtlanticBird1 (12.5W)'), (3520, 'Telecom2D/AtlanticBird2 (8.0W)'), (3530, 'Nilesat101/102/AtlanticBird4 (7.0W)'), (3550, 'AtlanticBird3 (5.0W)'), (3560, 'Amos1/2 (4.0W)'), (3590, 'Thor2/3/Intelsat10-02 (1.0W)')], []]
    It's now Wed May 23 02:20:34 2007
    [] next activation: 1179879734 (in 99996 ms)
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 160)
    Entry for 16,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 16.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d042
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 160
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f3
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] sleep 700ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 130)
    Entry for 13,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 13.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d078
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 130
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 100)
    Entry for 10,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 10.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d0ae
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 100
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 70)
    Entry for 7,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 7.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d0e5
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 70
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[0] is 214
    [SEC] set static current limiting
    [SEC] set rotor retries 1
    [SEC] invalidate current rotorparams
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e0316ed0e5
    [SEC] set timeout 40
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    [SEC] rotor timout
    set sequence pos 2
    [SEC] no more rotor retrys
    set sequence pos 10
    [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
    [SEC] update current rotorparams 0 d0e5 70
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    [SEC] setTone 1
    [SEC] sleep 15ms
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off
    OURSTATE: ok
    action -> SetupActions right
    unknown action SetupActions/right! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions right
    tuning to transponder with data (10880, 17360, 1, 3, 2, 70)
    Entry for 7,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 7.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d0e5
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 10880000 Pol 1 SR 17360000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 70
    tuning to 1130 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    [SEC] setTone 0
    [SEC] sleep 15ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f0
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 3, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11288, 22000, 1, 1, 2, 4
    Entry for 4,8? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 4.800000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d10b
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11288000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 1 orbpos 48
    tuning to 1538 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[0] is 214
    [SEC] set static current limiting
    [SEC] set rotor retries 1
    [SEC] invalidate current rotorparams
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e0316ed10b
    [SEC] set timeout 40
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 66, in action
    return ActionMap.action(self, contexts, action)
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action
    res = self.actions[action]()
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 407, in keyLeft
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 138, in keyLeft
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 38, in handleKey
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 192, in handleKey
    self.value = self.choices[(i + nchoices - 1) % nchoices]
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 165, in setValue
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 77, in changed
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Satfinder/", line 156, in sat_changed
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Satfinder/", line 166, in retune
    transponder = nimmanager.getTransponders(satpos)[self.tuning_transponder.index]
    IndexError: list index out of range
    29a64cdef39ccb6a0f11a4593621512c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    c66ad10eb18a0a9b00f55ab4aaf1b469 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    d14634618de65262a912aa90bc69f7c7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    d08ac19f193817f44901d21749c13823 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    da3ee40723ae94cf8e5564efc6852cd7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    40fbae52f59b32bff98ce9cd15039558 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    b59a24f3c4925c36ab2b5c20a47d70cd /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
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    152fbaaa3d85e9db8ed0e2c4a13895a1 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
    931b54f4b80f3bfec8b55a1c5295c71d /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
    0ddbfdad5e7772749c10b318a31519b0 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
    997bfa64d6f995ba81de645eb96cb51a /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
    943167eb90dc3145e1b9f61dbd098c3b /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    0793ab444fe77bdc44f0d1019a1e9b7c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    e72696e8eac4c89e4f6ca277cde43c6c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/

    Please help me about these problems,I will explain shortly some of them.
    Using geminii 2.3,when flashing have message THE HARDWARE DETECTED A BREAK CONDITION,when recovery bad sectors is enabled next message is FOUND INJECTABLE DCA AT POSITION 261841 and after that flashing is normal.After restart there are some very strange behaviours,long time booting and lot of crashes of enigma,also loosing signal in some strong transponders with messages TUNE FAILED or NO FREE TUNER and so on.Problems with recording,instead of 150 min it makes 20 or sometime it record all time on hard disk but it is not readable at all,problems with comunication with diseqc positioner and so on.Can somebody say me whats happening and what solution could be.
    For experts I put these crash log,one of many of them.Please help.

    enigma2 crashed on Wed May 23 02:20:42 2007
    enigma2 CVS TAG: D2007.
    enigma2 checked out from
    please email this file to
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 3, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off
    OURSTATE: ok
    action -> SetupActions right
    unknown action SetupActions/right! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions right
    tuning to transponder with data (11288, 22000, 1, 1, 2, 48)
    Entry for 4,8? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 4.800000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d10b
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11288000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 1 orbpos 48
    tuning to 1538 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    [SEC] setTone 0
    [SEC] sleep 15ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f0
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    It's now Wed May 23 02:20:11 2007
    [] next activation: 1179879711 (in 99990 ms)
    OURSTATE: failed
    action -> SetupActions ok
    tuning to transponder with data (11288, 22000, 1, 1, 2, 48)
    Entry for 4,8? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 4.800000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d10b
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11288000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 1 orbpos 48
    tuning to 1538 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    action -> SetupActions cancel
    OURSTATE: failed
    action -> DirectionActions down
    action -> DirectionActions downUp
    unknown action DirectionActions/downUp! typo in keymap?
    action -> MsgBoxActions ok
    action -> OkCancelActions ok
    0 : [[(40, 'Eurobird4 (4.0E)'), (48, 'Astra1C/Sirius2/3 (4.8E)'), (70, 'EutelsatW3A (7.0E)'), (100, 'EutelsatW1 (10.0E)'), (130, 'HotBird6/7A/8 (13.0E)'), (160, 'EutelsatW2 (16.0E)'), (192, 'Astra1E/1F/1G/1H/1KR/2C (19.2E)'), (235, 'Astra1D/3A (23.5E)'), (282, 'Eurobird1/Astra2A/2B/2D (28.2E)'), (3300, 'Hispasat1C/1D (30.0W)'), (3450, 'Telstar12 (15.0W)'), (3475, 'AtlanticBird1 (12.5W)'), (3520, 'Telecom2D/AtlanticBird2 (8.0W)'), (3530, 'Nilesat101/102/AtlanticBird4 (7.0W)'), (3550, 'AtlanticBird3 (5.0W)'), (3560, 'Amos1/2 (4.0W)'), (3590, 'Thor2/3/Intelsat10-02 (1.0W)')], []]
    1 : [[(40, 'Eurobird4 (4.0E)'), (48, 'Astra1C/Sirius2/3 (4.8E)'), (70, 'EutelsatW3A (7.0E)'), (100, 'EutelsatW1 (10.0E)'), (130, 'HotBird6/7A/8 (13.0E)'), (160, 'EutelsatW2 (16.0E)'), (192, 'Astra1E/1F/1G/1H/1KR/2C (19.2E)'), (235, 'Astra1D/3A (23.5E)'), (282, 'Eurobird1/Astra2A/2B/2D (28.2E)'), (3300, 'Hispasat1C/1D (30.0W)'), (3450, 'Telstar12 (15.0W)'), (3475, 'AtlanticBird1 (12.5W)'), (3520, 'Telecom2D/AtlanticBird2 (8.0W)'), (3530, 'Nilesat101/102/AtlanticBird4 (7.0W)'), (3550, 'AtlanticBird3 (5.0W)'), (3560, 'Amos1/2 (4.0W)'), (3590, 'Thor2/3/Intelsat10-02 (1.0W)')], []]
    It's now Wed May 23 02:20:34 2007
    [] next activation: 1179879734 (in 99996 ms)
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 160)
    Entry for 16,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 16.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d042
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 160
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f3
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] sleep 700ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 130)
    Entry for 13,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 13.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d078
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 130
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 100)
    Entry for 10,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 10.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d0ae
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 100
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11836, 27500, 0, 0, 2, 70)
    Entry for 7,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 7.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d0e5
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11836000 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 70
    tuning to 1236 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[0] is 214
    [SEC] set static current limiting
    [SEC] set rotor retries 1
    [SEC] invalidate current rotorparams
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e0316ed0e5
    [SEC] set timeout 40
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    set sequence pos -4
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] runningInputpower is 217
    [SEC] waiting for rotor running 217, idle 214, delta 50
    [SEC] rotor not running... reset counter.. increase timeout
    [SEC] rotor timout
    set sequence pos 2
    [SEC] no more rotor retrys
    set sequence pos 10
    [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
    [SEC] update current rotorparams 0 d0e5 70
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    [SEC] setTone 1
    [SEC] sleep 15ms
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off
    OURSTATE: ok
    action -> SetupActions right
    unknown action SetupActions/right! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions right
    tuning to transponder with data (10880, 17360, 1, 3, 2, 70)
    Entry for 7,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 7.000000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d0e5
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 10880000 Pol 1 SR 17360000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 70
    tuning to 1130 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    [SEC] setTone 0
    [SEC] sleep 15ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f0
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    set sequence pos 3
    [SEC] setFrontend
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 3, inversion off
    (0)fe event: status 1, inversion off
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    tuning to transponder with data (11288, 22000, 1, 1, 2, 48)
    Entry for 4,8? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
    siteLatitude = 38.799999, siteLongitude = 19.600000, 4.800000 degrees
    RotorCmd = d10b
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11288000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 1 orbpos 48
    tuning to 1538 mhz
    set sequence pos 3
    set sequence pos 4
    set sequence pos 5
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[1] is 212
    [SEC] setVoltage 1
    [SEC] sleep 150ms
    [SEC] idleInputpower[0] is 214
    [SEC] set static current limiting
    [SEC] set rotor retries 1
    [SEC] invalidate current rotorparams
    [SEC] sendDiseqc: e0316ed10b
    [SEC] set timeout 40
    [SEC] sleep 50ms
    action -> SetupActions left
    unknown action SetupActions/left! typo in keymap?
    action -> SetupActions left
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 66, in action
    return ActionMap.action(self, contexts, action)
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action
    res = self.actions[action]()
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 407, in keyLeft
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 138, in keyLeft
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 38, in handleKey
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 192, in handleKey
    self.value = self.choices[(i + nchoices - 1) % nchoices]
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 165, in setValue
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 77, in changed
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Satfinder/", line 156, in sat_changed
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Satfinder/", line 166, in retune
    transponder = nimmanager.getTransponders(satpos)[self.tuning_transponder.index]
    IndexError: list index out of range
    29a64cdef39ccb6a0f11a4593621512c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    c66ad10eb18a0a9b00f55ab4aaf1b469 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    d14634618de65262a912aa90bc69f7c7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    d08ac19f193817f44901d21749c13823 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    da3ee40723ae94cf8e5564efc6852cd7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    40fbae52f59b32bff98ce9cd15039558 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    b59a24f3c4925c36ab2b5c20a47d70cd /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    225cc9f97d4aede27987acbf9d7a1718 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    b6215164da850854f351ac0de8981aa8 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    3e4efab5b681d14960db0644d99ff8e7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    b4011bd490319162c0bb7ab1fe0816f9 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    8928eba2953ae2a4d46c64f3cd1bdf29 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    8faae8eacf7b322186dacc2a046d74a1 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    fec44e3c680135b636adcbc71044cab4 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    2bb2eab34660b5fcdf0b30f9bd1e8f44 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    d364549956b3cfabe13d9b6b561232df /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    7c20220d9670c528a2e94874c611063b /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    c542bb10e8db238b1bd7cf3e2ca06aa9 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/
    62382546d419d5c1c5d204d29c61d1e7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    b196d0f48a27a31b69d2cf91c7f4d0c7 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    41d347a6305f5523347e1d4e7b5e9989 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    ba43ebf9249c58d8b805f95e072da5ec /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    46cf5439c0702ae3d52adf1e0df028af /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    e127dd7115f22c185ffab7968441be60 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    7e421fb635c756ce71e8fe586173edf1 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/
    4f912f300982998846cce3519b54d8b2 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TuxboxPlugins/
    669b1d5c702cbe60fe031448b56ad4eb /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TuxboxPlugins/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/CutListEditor/
    fec24c4f97416639fd463e73b152a494 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/CutListEditor/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/
    442a5c84972806826f0d03c1f859d850 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/
    72f3853af4db70d8968f5ade66d70d4c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Converter/
    0486fc1f82c43fb9ed160bd9c71fa48c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Sources/
    4592d3706b568751ba9cb2f4c5e4a938 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Sources/
    2ad60c6c5c6e022b0d5d34184b38da3b /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Sources/
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Sources/
    d9b57d5e86deb175ec35287456b77ed5 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Sources/
    77c277853f266624a2396238c6a29d5c /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/WebComponents/Sources/
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