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    Hi Shumifan50,

    After trying many different things to get my config working, I am happy to say your plugin works with a Geovision GV800 card running on Ubuntu with Zoneminder with all CCTV cameras visible.

    It took me all week trying other methods including streaming from the server with vlc which worked too but slowly for the dreambox, then by chance I found a post for geovision single jpeg mode and thought I would give it a go and sure enough it works.

    Only one change to my previous URL and config the word "single" instead of "jpeg".

    Like below:


    More info here:

    Howzit Shumifan50,

    I've been trying to get your plugin (enigma2-plugin-extensions-IPCamViewer_20 to work on my DB 800se together with my Geovision GV800 DVR card (not an IP camera) with 4 cameras attached.

    To accommodate for GV800 DVR not displaying jpeg feeds using their 8.5 software and windows 7,

    I installed Ubuntu 11.10 32bit Desktop with zoneminder, getting zoneminder to work for GV800 is a pretty tough task on it's own but that's done now and with some other settings to zoneminder I can now see a constantly updating jpeg feed on:


    When I launch the plugin with my config the spinner just keeps spinning with the below config:


    I tried a few other configs none worked.

    Do you think it is possible to use your plugin to display my jpeg feed?