Posts by n@ser

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-> Aktuell bereiten wir das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version 6 von Woltlab vor.

    I use the latest version of CVS OE2.0.
    Yes. Subtitle mod is utf8 and standards. However, the subtitle will not be displayed.
    In the past, I did not have this problem.
    In your opinion, what is the problem?

    I have a problem when subtitle display.
    Unfortunately for my subtitle will not be displayed.
    subtitle name & movie name is the same. Even when I choose subtitle, subtitle does not come again.

    Interestingly, this problem does not exist with Media player2.

    I use the software Mezzmo, a DLNA Server on the computer've created.
    Using UPNP Client, have access to videos, but unfortunately subtitles, will not run! While in Android, subtitles run without any problems.
    For this problem, what is the solution?
    Is there a need to install a package?
    I would also use the EMC to play videos.


    Unfortunately, the receiver I will crash at startup.

    WLAN is the problem:

    OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sys/class/net/wlan0/device'

    [CrashlogAutoSubmit] - Message send Error --> An error occurred while connecting: 148: No route to host.

    To solve this problem, which way would you suggest?

    Linux is based on Debian, Proxy by Squid is done. Squid, various packages are included.
    Unfortunately, these packages are not available for Enigma 2.

    I never tried it, but at least with an OE 1.6 & OE 2.0 experimental Image you can use a proxy for opkg.

    In /etc/opkg/opkg.conf just comment in and edit the lines:

    #option http_proxy http://proxy.tld:3128
    #option ftp_proxy http://proxy.tld:3128
    #option proxy_username <username>
    #option proxy_password <password>

    Also check out the thread, maybe you can help: http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.c…ostid=1291971#post1291971


    Originally posted by Pocky
    Code Generator deaktiviert und nun geht es.
    Mit Mail Adresse und Passwort.

    Danke Mecha

    My problem is exactly like yours.
    I even disable Code generator. But the problem is not solved!

    Unfortunately not login!

    root@dm500hd:~# gfacebook -u '*******' -p '*********' -l de_DE -f 0
     -c /media/hdd
    [Main] started... v0.6
    [FBDownLoad] login httpcode=200
    [FBDownLoad] ERROR <login not successful>
    [FBDownLoad] ERROR <getUserToken>

    Originally posted by ABPSoft
    Now try the following: Connect the VPN, then override your resolvers towards Google:

    echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

    After that, you should be able to resolve names (ping and others). If that finally works, disconnect the VPN and see if you still can resolve names. I don't expect so, but if it still works, it makes things a lot easier for you - just change your resolver to permanently. If it isn't working, you will probably have to go the up/down-script route in the client .ovpn config file.

    Many thanks
    This recipe will work well. After pressing this recipe, I was able to ping all the sites.
    The problem was solved. Thank you very much. There's just one problem, I should each time would enter this command, otherwise the previous problem remains.
    Is there a solution to this problem?


    I According to the wiki article, the steps I did.
    Fortunately openresolv package by default, is installed on the CVS image. Also available here: openresolv_3.5.2-r0_all.ipk

    I got a copy of the script path /etc/openvpn.
    With this recipe, I had to change the access level:

    chmod +x /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

    I added these lines with client.ovpn:

    script-security 2
    up /usr/share/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
    down /usr/share/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

    I do not have this directory. Do I need to manually create?

    Unfortunately ovpn not connect! This error is recorded in the log:

    script failed: could not execute external program

    Logs attached.


    Thanks Andre
    You see, unfortunately, the Iranian government to censor the Internet.
    Sites like Google and Yahoo are open, but sites like Facebook,Twitter,DMM are blocked.
    But when the vpn is connect only have access to Google, other sites like Yahoo could not be opened! But when the VPN is disconnected, Yahoo opens well.

    When the connect Openvpn is:

    dm500hd login: root
    root@dm500hd:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
    # Generated by resolvconf

    root@dm500hd:~# nslookup
    Address 1:
    nslookup: can't resolve ''

    When ovpn is disconnected:

    I am using the CVS + Gp3.2 image.
    But I'm using a dumbo, dumbo is the problem?
