[v0.96] Enhanced MovieList with VLC stream support (11 available languages)

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  • The Suomipoeka plugin is designed to provide better user experience and control over recordings. The plugin also provides various other enhancements to Enigma2 to make the use of the receiver more fluent. Mainly the plugin consists of a new movie list and a configuration menu (can be reached via the Enigma2 plugin menu).

    Available languages
    Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Italian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
    (most translations created by the local users)

    When installed the plugin will be in English if a translation matching the GUI language is not found.

    How to create a new translation
    After installing the plugin the latest update of the translation template file can be found at:
    Here's how I compile the Finnish translation on Ubuntu Linux:

    msgfmt locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/Suomipoeka.po -o locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/Suomipoeka.mo

    Also possible to use Poedit.. GUI restart is needed to enable a new translation for the used GUI language.
    Change history (and TODO-list) can be found here.


    root@dm7025:~> ipkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-suomipoeka_x.y.z-r0_mipsel.ipk


    root@dm7025:~> ipkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-suomipoeka

    Can also be installed via the manual addon install feature available on many images. Requires GUI restart to enable the plugin.

    :469:NOTE: This plugin does not overwrite any Enigma2 files.

    New official homepage :399:here.
    Youtube video...

  • Ich habe es auf e2board-image (v2.03) installiert. Nach dem versuch die Suomipoeka-MovieList zu starten die box wird nicht mehr vom fernbedienung kontrolierbar. Kein crash. Nur enigma restart über telnet hilft.

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by pasurimi
    Ich habe es auf e2board-image (v2.03) installiert. Nach dem versuch die Suomipoeka-MovieList zu starten die box wird nicht mehr vom fernbedienung kontrolierbar. Kein crash. Nur enigma restart über telnet hilft.

    Sorry I don't speak German so I'm going to have to reply in English (used translate.google :)).

    Can you enable the suomipoeka debug output from the plugin config and see what comes out to the debug output text file? I think I encountered a similar problem when testing with some image but I cannot recall the reason / solution..

  • I've installed the plugin on a e2board-image (v2.03), When i try to start Suomipoeka-MovieList I lost the control of the box through remote (not a crash). Only a GUI restart via telnet helps.

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • I've tested the plugin on Gemini2 v3.4, Peter Pan v1.0, LT4 and Ronaldd (20080518 ) images. Haven't tried on e2board image though.. If the debug output log doesn't help anything I can test with e2board image aswell, but it will take a while.

  • I've checked the debug log and found the couse: the misssing key-*.png files.
    I'll try with another image. On e2board-image there are no key-*.png files.

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • I just installed the e2board image and immediately noticed that there was a copy-paste typo in the png instructions in the first post..

    The first command was supposed to be:

    root@dm7025:~# find /usr/share/enigma2/ -name key-*.png

    And not:

    root@dm7025:~# find /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/ -name key-*.png

    Sorry about that..

  • I've made all adjustments, following your last fix of instructions and it works for me too (on e2board) :)

    It will take time to discover all the possibilities of your plugin but the first impression: :pokal:

    I,ll miss a function which marks the viewed movies as "viewed", like here :winking_face:

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • Enigma2 Crash on latest Gemini2 3.5


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/Suomipoeka/MovieList.py", line 45, in DelayedFunctionCB
        gtimerfunc(None)	# required by desc.newService(None)
    TypeError: reloadList() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
    (PyObject_CallObject(<function DelayedFunctionCB at 0x2f214770>,()) failed)


    DM7025+ 2GB Compact Flash (BA) - Flash: OoZooN CVS - CF-Card: LT, GP2,...
    ROTOR 1.0°W; 5.0°E; 7.0°E; 13.0°E; 19.2°E; 23.5°E; 28.2°E

  • That seems to be a small bug.. Did you enable the "always reload after open" setting? Probably should not happen if you disable that. I'll fix that later this evening...

    EDIT: this was a false alarm. This setting does not have a bug after all..

  • I cant enable this setting, Enigma2 crash immediately after booting...


    DM7025+ 2GB Compact Flash (BA) - Flash: OoZooN CVS - CF-Card: LT, GP2,...
    ROTOR 1.0°W; 5.0°E; 7.0°E; 13.0°E; 19.2°E; 23.5°E; 28.2°E

  • "always reload after open" on/off works here without problems (e2board image)

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Time-X
    I cant enable this setting, Enigma2 crash immediately after booting...

    Ok, sounds like the newest Gemini2 image includes a new version of Enigma2 and there may be some conflict due to that. Later this evening I will try this on the new Gemini2 image and then post a fix for this issue.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by pasurimiI,ll miss a function which marks the viewed movies as "viewed", like here :winking_face:

    Hmm.. I haven't seen this before. From the looks of it those screenshots are from a Gemini1 image?

    This feature should be relatively simple to add, but how do you define a movie as viewed? Or is that supposed to be a manual selection?

  • This is a patch from Happy2000 that provides Ronaldd 7025 skins with extended MovieList.
    I don't know how this script works but when you watch a movie for the first time it appiers on the list with a "viewed" icon :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
    You can see it on this thread too.

    [SIZE=7]Selfsat H50M4
    Ultimo4K /2xTwinS2, VTI, PLi, ATV...
    NAS: Qnap221[/SIZE]

  • Hi,

    Great plugin, works even fine for me on Gemini 3.5.
    Is there any possibility to start the plugin directly using the "Video" button, replacing the original movie selection?


  • Zitat

    Originally posted by pandowski
    Is there any possibility to start the plugin directly using the "Video" button, replacing the original movie selection?

    This is something I am currently looking into. I need a way to do this without touching the InfoBar functionality of the underlying Enigma2. There is one possible solution to this but first I need to test if it works well enough.

    The earlier versions of this extended MovieList included patches to Enigma2 which make the plugin open when the video-button is pressed. This made the plugin dependant on the certain image the patch was made for.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Time-X
    Enigma2 Crash on latest Gemini2 3.5


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/Suomipoeka/MovieList.py", line 45, in DelayedFunctionCB
        gtimerfunc(None)	# required by desc.newService(None)
    TypeError: reloadList() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
    (PyObject_CallObject(<function DelayedFunctionCB at 0x2f214770>,()) failed)


    Originally posted by Time-X
    I cant enable this setting, Enigma2 crash immediately after booting...

    I have now found out the cause for this. I encountered this same behavior when I created a fresh Gemini2 v3.5 install with BarryAllen. The problem seems to be that the Suomipoeka MovieList cannot cope with the directory /hdd/movie missing. This is often the case when people use NFS shares to record into and initially when installing a new image the /media/hdd mount is not there.

    This is a bug in the plugin, but can be avoided by mounting the /media/hdd directory which includes also the movie directory. Or by simply creating a /hdd/movie directory on the flash (not recommended though).

    edit: Will be fixed in the next release.

  • but i think the problem is ...

    i use a mounted Windows release for /media/hdd (with MountManager)

    when i boot the image, the mountpoints set only if Enigma completly loaded,
    whereat your Plugin maybe try to access to /media/hdd/movie before the mountpoints are set and by the missing movie directory enigma crashed.

    i have an empty movie directory created at /media/hdd - and now works...

    PS: sorry for my bad english, i hope you now what i mean :winking_face:

    DM7025+ 2GB Compact Flash (BA) - Flash: OoZooN CVS - CF-Card: LT, GP2,...
    ROTOR 1.0°W; 5.0°E; 7.0°E; 13.0°E; 19.2°E; 23.5°E; 28.2°E