dm500s dead?

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • hi,
    after wiggling lnb cable when dreambox was on, i received green and red lights
    on. after that i rebooted dreambox: now green light always on, on tv only black screen.
    i tried to play with dreamup, dreamup still always waiting for dreambox activity.
    i connected everything as written in manual, first disconnected drem from power,
    connected with dreamup to mine com port, switched power on dream.
    cable is ok because before i flashed with dreamup to latest gemini image.
    any ideas? is it already dead? can i do something with jtag?

  • Do you tried to connet to the COM with Hyperterminal with 115200 baud? You should see a part of the boot process. in this case the connection is OK - the other way you have problems with your cable. You should also only use the RS232 and no ethernet cable at the same time. Which version of dreamup do you use?

    "Der Edle verlangt alles von sich selbst, der Primitve stellt nur Forderungen an andere."
    Konfuzius - 8. Lunyu 15.21

  • yea i tried connect with com via hyperterminal with 115200 baud, and it's nothing outputting.
    i tried my cable, connected 2 and 3 pins together on other end of cable and tried to
    send some chars, and i was receiving same chars, so i think cable is ok.
    i tried all versions of dreamup, same nothing..

  • Try another cable and another PC.

    "Der Edle verlangt alles von sich selbst, der Primitve stellt nur Forderungen an andere."
    Konfuzius - 8. Lunyu 15.21

  • tried another pc but with same cable, still same results.
    can anybody say how to check cable? i don't have another stb
    at moment.

  • what you mean without network?
    what i'm trying is with dreamup (tried all versions) and with
    serial connection (rs232 com...)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von gmytis ()

  • It is also possible to connect with ethernet networkcable and the RS232. Use only the RS232 connection. The cable testing could be made as I wrote before with hyperteminla - but you should see something of the boot prozess of the box; if no the cable is wrong or the connection settings.
    You worte:


    yea i tried connect with com via hyperterminal with 115200 baud, and it's nothing outputting

    you made something wrong or the cable is wrong or damaged.

    "Der Edle verlangt alles von sich selbst, der Primitve stellt nur Forderungen an andere."
    Konfuzius - 8. Lunyu 15.21