Computer (VLC) to Dreambox (movieplayer or VLC Frontend) Streaming

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  • I've been surfing around the net trying to find more info on this.

    My problem is. I can load the VLC files, directory and all in the Gemini Movieplayer (0.9.0) but once I choose the file to start streaming from my Comp end (VLC 0.8.6c) I get a error message saying either check my stream or if VLC can play the file.

    Using the VLC Fronend.. only give me a message saying the Server cant be foud or isn't running. I know it is (unless I've messed up somewhere setting it up. I've tried both Streamig Wizard and dling the m3u file off of the Webinterface of Dreambox.

    VLC can play the file (locally) and the connection works (I can load the directory and see the directory's files).

    If someone could type up a HOW-TO on how to stream VLC video from your computer to your Dreambox It'd be greatly appreciated.

    I am on Mac OS X but the principles should be the same unless stream from VLC need Active X or such. Can't see why it would, streaming to another PC on the LAN works and streaming to another Mac on the LAN works.

    Thx and the for great software and a real nice community. :)

  • hello,
    on windows install vlc 0.8.1 with the addon for firefox, then open with your firefox browser your dreambox (ip), on left side you see stream, there you have to edit the settings of the server, enter your pc ip and your drives.

    after selecting the movie press file and after 15s you can watch over your dream.

    hope it helps and you understand my english