Neutrino on Dream

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • Zitat

    Original von fergy
    This is doubled:

    ln -sf sound/dsp /dev/dsp
    ln -sf fb/0 /dev/fb0
    ln -s /dev/input/mice /dev/psaux 
    ln -s /dev/input/mice /dev/mouse

    It is in rcS because We was pull dreambox branch from cvs.

    No, you did not read the updated instructions :winking_face:…x/attachments/

    or direct:

     cvs -d -z3 co -f -r dreambox -P . 
     cvs -qz3 up -dPA                apps/ driver/ cdk/root/
     cvs -qz3 up -dP -r dreambox     driver/include

    Which means that cdk/root is from HEAD. Some guy at said that this was a bad idea, but it works for me.

  • Zitat

    Original von audioslyer
    Das müsste doch auch auf der DM600PVR möglich sein?!

    Keine Ahnung, probiers doch aus. Aber ich glaube gelesen zu haben, daß die 600 mit OpenEmbedded gebaut wird, und nicht aus dem tuxbox cvs, habe mich aber nicht damit auseinandergesetzt (und da ich ziemlich sicher nie mehr Dream Hardware kaufen werde, werde ich es wohl auch nicht probieren :winking_face:

  • Please double check Your diff.
    I was doing just like here wrote.
    And I will recheck possibility of mistake.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by seife42

    Keine Ahnung, probiers doch aus. Aber ich glaube gelesen zu haben, daß die 600 mit OpenEmbedded gebaut wird, und nicht aus dem tuxbox cvs, habe mich aber nicht damit auseinandergesetzt (und da ich ziemlich sicher nie mehr Dream Hardware kaufen werde, werde ich es wohl auch nicht probieren :winking_face:

    Hab gestern erst mit OpenEmbedded angefangen und fuchse mich da gerade rein. Auf das tuxbox cvs wird ja auch so zugegriffen. Man müsste ja "nur" ein neutrinio package bauen. Step by step :winking_face:
    Ob Neutrino jemals Sinn auf ner Dream macht sei dahingestellt, aber bei dem Versuch kann man´ne Menge lernen. So seh ich das.

    I love it:neutrino_cvs-20070712-r0_powerpc.ipk

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von audioslyer ()

  • Zitat

    Original von fergy
    Please double check Your diff.
    I was doing just like here wrote.
    And I will recheck possibility of mistake.

    It works for me. Use…x/attachments/
    to check out, then patch…dreambox-20070505.diff.gz
    (or the attachment from the post above). Patch with

    zcat neutrino-dreambox-20070505.diff.gz| patch -p1

    I tried this right now (i did not build it, though), and it patched fine.

  • HERE is image at the very end of page #4.
    Still, there is problems with dhcp ( not work at all ) and scan ( freezing and 0 channels ) but almost all other things work.
    PS I will tell You about 500 later

  • DHCP war und ist bei NEUTRINO schon immer ein problem gewesen.

    Liegt wohl an der formatierung der

    /etc/network/interfaces (<--- ist im squashfs also read only)

    in squashfs images muss diese datei im RW teil (var) liegen sonst lässt sich keine einstellung speichern.

    hat die box dann keine IP muss man mal versuchen diese datei mit dem "tuxboxcommander" zu editieren.

    hier mal der inhalt einer funktinirenden interface aus dem ru image

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static

    wer meine rechtschreibfehler fälscht, oder nachmacht
    oder nachgemachte oder verfälschte in den verkehr bringt
    wird mit zwiebelsuppe nicht unter zwei teller bestraft

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DocQ ()

  • bitte mal ein kompletten bootlog posten

    ich denke die fstab passt nicht

    wer meine rechtschreibfehler fälscht, oder nachmacht
    oder nachgemachte oder verfälschte in den verkehr bringt
    wird mit zwiebelsuppe nicht unter zwei teller bestraft

  • Okay, another shout.
    In this one, scan work and find channels BUT problems persist: when it catch, let's say 40% it give message from begin ( cannot find channel list )
    DHCP still don't work.
    Will try to change that with:


    -	fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf","w");
    +fp = fopen("/var/etc/resolv.conf","w");

    and this:


    -	if (!read_interface("/etc/network/interfaces", name, automatic_start, family, method, attribute))
    +	if (!read_interface("/var/etc/network/interfaces", name, automatic_start, family, method, attribute))

    -	return write_interface("/etc/network/interfaces", name, automatic_start, "inet", "loopback", attribute);
    +	return write_interface("/var/etc/network/interfaces", name, automatic_start, "inet", "loopback", attribute);

    and see what will happening.

  • I found the problem.
    After patching (with zcat ...), you need to do

    chmod +x cdk/customize-flash

    Otherwise my flash-optimization-script will not run :)

    customize-flash will move all the stuff that needs to be read-write to /var/etc and place symlinks in /etc that point to it.

    Since "patch" does not restore file attributes, this did not work out of the box, sorry for that.

  • i've posted the log in the other thread this morning ...

    Did u know what [controld] WARNING! Aspect is 0, should be > 1 mean ?

  • Zitat

    Original von DocDoc
    i've posted the log in the other thread this morning ...

    Did u know what [controld] WARNING! Aspect is 0, should be > 1 mean ?

    Yes, this means my "has the aspect ratio changed?"-Code is confused.
    It is this part of the patch:

    Please show me the output of

    cat /proc/bus/bitstream

    on your box.

  • Anyway, same problem. It scan to 100% on Hotbird ( 68 of 68 transponders ) and then show 2 pop-up messages: first one is on the top: "No channels were found! Please execute a scan. " and after pressing OK, there is another window: "Transponderscan finished successfully! " :confused_face: When looking at channels, there is only one channel. And another problem is that don't wanna save settings.

  • are you using mini-diseqc? That does not work for me, too. I need to set it to 1.0 or higher. Also, "quick scan" does not work, but slow scan finds >1200 services on Astra 19.2E. Mini-diseqc (A/B) did not work at all for me, not sure why.

  • No, I don't use diseqc at all!!!

    Here is log:

    ifup: /var/run/ifstate: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/rcS: /proc/bus/dreambox: 4: -S: not found

    [ConfigFile] Unable to open file /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.conf for reading.
    [sectionsd] /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.conf not found

  • cat /proc/bus/bitstream

    Bitstream Settings:
    H_SIZE: 0
    V_SIZE: 0
    A_RATIO: 0
    F_RATE: 0
    VIDEO_BUF_SIZE: 0 bytes (+~80 for fifo)
    AUDIO_BUF: 00000000

  • Zitat

    Original von fergy
    No, I don't use diseqc at all!!!

    maybe you should configure it for diseqc 1.0 and try again. I need diseqc to get any signal at all, so i cannot test it with diseqc=off


    Here is log:

    ifup: /var/run/ifstate: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/rcS: /proc/bus/dreambox: 4: -S: not found

    That's normal (the -S), it is just me being lazy. The ifstate error is fixed in my next version that is test-compiling right now.

    [ConfigFile] Unable to open file /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.conf for reading.
    [sectionsd] /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.conf not found

    you don't have a correctly populated /var.
    I have added a var-init-code, which will go into my next version.


    most of the /config/ errors seem to come from missing /var.
    Many of the other error messages are simply harmless (the /proc/bus/tuxbox/vendor one e.g.). They should eventually be fixed, but it is not the most important part right now.


    Most of those seem to be related to the uninitialized /var. The others are "mostly harmless". I have changed the Aspect Warning to only show once per wrong aspect, so everything will be fine soon :)

  • Ok, this is the now flash-tested (on dm500) version.
    Download…/attachments/ (cannot attach sh files here), then the diff (attached), then check out / patch as follows:

    ./ neutrino-dreambox-20070514.diff.gz

    build with

    cd cdk
    ./prepare dm500
    make dreamboximage_neutrinoroot
    make rebuild-flash
    make flash-compress

    There should be a complete.img in ../root/cdkflash/. I flashed this one into my dm500s (had rudbox before), and it worked just fine. If /var/.neutrino-init is not there, /var is re-initialized. Default is "network via DHCP", and it also works.

    WARNING! On anything else than DM500, please check cdk/root/etc/init.d/rcS before building:

    the /dev/mtd/1 and /dev/mtdblock/1 must point to your /var. If it points to the bootloader, you will probably be in trouble!

  • OK. Will test it tonight.

  • Ich habe nochmal eins mit der neuen diff durchlaufen lassen für die 7000er

    Hatte noch einen Fehler drin, deswegen wieder entfernt!

    Zuerst ignorieren sie dich, dann lachen sie über dich, dann bekämpfen sie dich und dann gewinnst du. <br>
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schaedelmeister ()