Hdd or usb Swapfile?

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  • Hi....
    I don't know if this topic has already been referred in English but haven't found anything here.
    In my DM8000HD i installed a new image "dreambox-image-DM8000-20130801.nfi" and for the 1rt time in years i inicialized the internal 500GB hdd.
    To my amazement, there was 2 partitions, one for 1024MB swapfile.
    I always used the geminiplugin swapfile and created a swapfile on usb and it has also the picons and date crossepg.
    My questions are:
    I do not need to create a swapfile in the pen (maximum of 512 Mb), is enough for me the 1024's hdd?
    There is worse to stay with the swap hdd? If yes how can I eliminate it and use the swapfile from pen?


  • the swap partition on the hard disk is created automatically in OE2.0 images

    this swap partition is used to perform a filesystemcheck of the (large) disks
    in normal conditions this is not used by the box

    but for daily use I would use swap on the USB stick, you don't want to have your disk spinning all the time

    so keep your system as you have it

  • I would not make the one on HDD known to the system as this will cause your HDD to never enter STANDBY state. Thus not a good idea.

  • That's the reason of my question.
    I just initialize (red button) my hdd while i was installing a new image.
    It's, i think, the first time i see other partition (swap) on my hdd.
    I have to watch for situations demanding memory if he stills stay in standbye.
    If it is not necessary how can i remove it? Although Bschaar answered i would like to know how can i remove it.
    512Mb in a usb stick should be enough

    Best Regards

  • The partition you can leave there - no problem. These get generated automatically since a certain E2 version to support people during file system check on large disks when not having other SWAP device. In your case the space is just wasted but it is not that much.

    You should just not activate this swap area for the running system! Only use the USB swap area for the normal operation!

    root@dm8000:~# cat /proc/swaps
    Filename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority
    /media/cf/swapfile                      file            131068  4356    -1
  • Ahhhh
    Ok, i got it :face_with_rolling_eyes:
    Only a problem.
    I have geminiswapplugin active ->/media/usb/swapfile
    I go to hardware and have 1024+512mb to swap.
    How can i make 1024mb from Hdd not active as swapfile?