Dm600pvr Enigma2 Pcd 7.0

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • Nochmal von vorne :)

    dm500hd --- remotetimer --> dm600 ok
    dm500hd --- remoteviewer --> dm600 nok

    sonst nichts, alles andere läuft super :)

  • Hallo Hejira ...

    I am sure that the OpenPLI Image was louder than the PCD now,
    so I have to push the Volume of the DM600 very high (90%).
    And I didn't turned the TV volume down :winking_face: It is 60 from 100 ...

    I can swirtch my TV only temporary to another aspect, after i turn it
    off an on it will be set to 16:9 again ... an I think that works on OpenPLI
    bevore ...


    Original von Hejira
    Volume on the DM600 I have always found very low with any image. I just compared this image and Openpli and can hear no noticable difference using the RCA L/R Outs.

    4:3 in 16:9 have you tried changing the aspect settings on the TV, when my TV aspect is set to auto it can overide box settings.

  • Zitat

    Daemon-manager : To run any daemon - put a start-stop script in a script folder. Insert the script folder path in the Daemon Manager config screen. Default path - /user/script/dman.


    I just tried this excellent Image.
    It works fine.
    I only struggle in one point ..... the Daemon Manager.

    My problem ist that the Daemon Manager tries to start/restart or stop my daemon, but without success.

    I didn´t change the cript I use for the daemon. (just downloaded)
    If I start the script over telnet added with the possible "parameter" everything is fine.
    The daemon will start and also will stop.
    --> The sript itself and the daemon itself seem to be o.k.

    So I think my problem ist the "interface" between "Daemon Manager" and the "start-stop-script".
    Maybe the Daemon Manager gives other "parameter" at the end as the script wants to have.

    Can anybody tell me, what the "parameters" are when I press the buttom for "start/restart" and "stop" (with the remote control in the daemon Manager) ??

    Is it like "blabla_up" and "blabla_down" and "blabla_res"
    or just simple "start" and "stop"

    ==> So maybe I only have to change the parameters in the


    Gruß Karate01

    Dream8000 SS - int. HDD 2TB - OoZooN
    Dream800 HD Sat - int. HDD 400GB - OoZooN
    Dream600 Sat - int. HDD 160GB - PCD 7.0

  • In the Daemon manager config screen - did you put in the correct path to the daemon ?

    Also please check if the script and the daemon both have chmod 755.

  • Hi,

    "I think so" and "yes".

    The path I did not change ....


    I made a copy of the script of the daemon in this folder.
    I changed / checked the the rights (755) [both from script and daemon]

    - The daemon appears in the screen of the daemon manager
    ==> So I think this is the evidence that the path to the daemon-script is right

    - When I try with telnet

    /usr/script/dman/ Parameter

    The daemon will start fine
    ==> This should be the evidence that the rights from script and daemon are correct

    - When I press the green buttom in the DaemonManager something happens. The spinner appears. Then the picture switches back to the Daemon Manager
    ==> Daemon Manager seems to work. But I don´t know what exactly he is doing

    The only unknown thing for me at the moment are the "parameters" means the "output" of the daemon Manager which are given to the daemon-script.

    Gruß Karate01

    Dream8000 SS - int. HDD 2TB - OoZooN
    Dream800 HD Sat - int. HDD 400GB - OoZooN
    Dream600 Sat - int. HDD 160GB - PCD 7.0

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Karate01 ()

  • I guess you are trying to use a daemon whose name starts with O...
    That daemon together with a script is available for download from the addon manager.
    The script provided has two very simple parameters - start and stop.
    To start it type in console:

    /usr/script/dman/ start

    To stop it type:

    /usr/script/dman/ stop

    Restart parameter isn't provided but if daemon is active, starting it will kill it first and then start it.
    If no config is provided, that daemon will report it and then exit.
    You need to have working configs for the daemon otherwise it will not work.
    There are no generic configs which work for the majority of cards.
    First sort you configs, then start it.

  • Zitat

    Original von kalehrl
    I guess you are trying to use a daemon whose name starts with O...
    That daemon together with a script is available for download from the addon manager.

    exactly :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:


    Original von kalehrl
    The script provided has two very simple parameters - start and stop.
    To start it type in console:

    /usr/script/dman/ start

    To stop it type:

    /usr/script/dman/ stop

    This was my guess.
    But the "provided script" (downloaded by the addon manager) is waiting for $1 (Parameters) which spells "xxx_up", "xxx_down" and "xxx_res".
    And I already did the test with the telnet.

    /usr/script/dman/ xxx_up

    starts the daemon in the complete right way. Everything works fine. So the config is o.k.

    ==> so the "provided script" seem to be not the correct one
    ==> I have to change the script.
    ==> Or I have to look for the "right script"

    But this should not be a big problem. ( Hopefully to be solved )

    Gruß Karate01

    Dream8000 SS - int. HDD 2TB - OoZooN
    Dream800 HD Sat - int. HDD 400GB - OoZooN
    Dream600 Sat - int. HDD 160GB - PCD 7.0

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Karate01 ()

  • Ahh yes.
    The daemon on the server was made for an older image where the script went to /usr/script/cam and not to /usr/script/dman like in the later images.
    And you are right, there were cam_clean etc parameters there which are obsolete now.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by kalehrl
    Ahh yes.
    The daemon on the server was made for an older image where the script went to /usr/script/cam and not to /usr/script/dman like in the later images.
    And you are right, there were cam_clean etc parameters there which are obsolete now.

    Yes I checked just now. Daemon manager now uses Start and Stop.

    Please change the script manually - if you can. I will check and put the correct ipks on the server.


  • I´ve received a correct script. Thx to the supporter.
    I´m not sure if I would have been able to change it 100% in this way on my own.

    I already tried the new script.
    Everything´s complete fine now!

    Thanks for the support and the "win-win-situation"
    ==> I now understand the "daemon-Manager" quite good
    ==> We identified an failure on the feed (next users will be lucky with the new package)

    ==> Thanks again for your support
    ==> Thanks for solving my problem

    Gruß Karate01

    Dream8000 SS - int. HDD 2TB - OoZooN
    Dream800 HD Sat - int. HDD 400GB - OoZooN
    Dream600 Sat - int. HDD 160GB - PCD 7.0

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Karate01 ()

  • Zitat

    Please note :- This image is suitable for installing in flash without using any additional storage with pc, hdd, usb, cf. Of course, for Timeshift and Recording - additional storage is necessary !
    Extra Setup includes Memory expander


    I intend to build in a CF-Card in my DM600.
    I wanted to increase the available space for the image.

    But I see two different possibilities to expand the space for the image.

    1.) to use the "memory expander" from the extra setup

    2.) to install BA and just install another PCD 7.0 on the CF

    Please note:
    I´m not going to try different images. I´m not going to use BA for a real "Multi-Boot" but only to use BA to boot an image from the CF.

    Here are my questions:

    - Are there any advantages or disadvantages by using "Memory Expander"?

    - Are there any advantages or disadvantages by using BA? (may be different speed during operation. Booting doesn´t matter)

    - Is the amount of usable space for the image bigger if the image is started by BA on the CF? Or is the maximum amount of usable space in both cases the same (BA / memory expander)?

    Thanks for your suggestions

    Gruß Karate01

    Dream8000 SS - int. HDD 2TB - OoZooN
    Dream800 HD Sat - int. HDD 400GB - OoZooN
    Dream600 Sat - int. HDD 160GB - PCD 7.0

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Karate01 ()

  • Hi ...

    just an other question ... how can i switch off the subtitles ?
    And now the "long press" buttons won't work anymore ...
    ... can i use the multiquickbotten to edit the settings, or is there
    an other way to do it ?

    CU No.Trace !

  • Zitat

    - Are there any advantages or disadvantages by using "Memory Expander"?

    You will get more space in flash because some folders will be moved to the hard drive.


    - Are there any advantages or disadvantages by using BA? (may be different speed during operation. Booting doesn´t matter)

    I have no idea. Never used BA.


    - Is the amount of usable space for the image bigger if the image is started by BA on the CF? Or is the maximum amount of usable space in both cases the same (BA / memory expander)?

    I think there will be no difference in free space between BA and memory expander.


    just an other question ... how can i switch off the subtitles ?And now the "long press" buttons won't work anymore ...

    Audio - green button - select activated subtitle and press OK.
    If you activate teletext then long button press doesn't work.
    It is on the first page.

  • If you install the image on hdd or cf with BA multiboot - the available memory will be as big as the free space in your harddisk or cf.

    The problem with booting from harddisk is that it keeps running all the time. I have no experience of cf.

  • Hi kalehrl
    Hi pcd

    thanks for your answers.
    So it seems that BA might have more advantages than the memory expander.

    The "problem" with BA and HDD is known, due to that I definitively want to install/boot from CF.
    At the moment I also have no experience with that but I´ll try.
    And I´ll give feedback in both cases (good or bad experiences)

    best regards

    Gruß Karate01

    Dream8000 SS - int. HDD 2TB - OoZooN
    Dream800 HD Sat - int. HDD 400GB - OoZooN
    Dream600 Sat - int. HDD 160GB - PCD 7.0

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Karate01 ()

  • It doesn't work which you've just found out.
    Extract the main skin folder using 7-Zip.
    Then copy it to /usr/share/enigma2.
    But there is a great possibility that your receiver won't boot after restart.