DM600PVR Enigma2 Image

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  • I have got some new Infos,

    i find out that Muuta server is reading the services from the webif...
    So, i tryed to open one of the entrys in the service list and it doesnt work...

    #EXTINF:-1,Sky Select
    #EXTINF:-1,Sky Cinema
    #EXTINF:-1,Sky Cinema +1
    #EXTINF:-1,Sky Cinema +24

    So, i tryed to change Port 8001 to 31339 and it also didnt work.... so, the problem isnt muuta, it seems to be the infos that webIf tells. But to change channels via webif still works...

    when i click to open with vlc, the stream syntax is other:,65,1ff,200

    but it works.... but, there seem to be no Zapping codes...

  • I changed the webif to give the pid for the channel (0,65,...) - because port 31339 works with the pid stream. Normally it gives service ref (1:0:1.....) with port 8001.

    Can you not input the vlc syntax into muuta ?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pcd ()

  • Code

    This is enigma2 streaming syntax which doesn't work on ppc boxes.


    This is patched syntax which is similar to native enigma1.


    but it works.... but, there seem to be no Zapping codes...

    You mean when you change a channel the stream stops and you have to start it again? This is what I noticed as well. To be able not to interrupt streaming when zapping, you have to install zapstream following instructions on the link I sent you before. I tested zapstream and when changing channels, it continues to stream the new channel.

  • Yes, i know with the patched synthax it works, but when i open an other channel without changing it before via webif the stream isnt working....
    So, i dont find how to install zapstream, where can i find it?
    *sorry, i found the link ;-)*

    To muuta, im not sure if its possible to tell, muuta reads out via webif and i think its saving it in a *.sqlite file...
    Maybe i can open it and chang synthaxes manuali... im not shur, but before trying i think it has to work with zapping...

  • do i only have to add the

    # Pli zapstream
    zapstream stream tcp nowait root /sbin/zapstream zapstream -ts

    or the other entrys:

    # own services
    streamsec stream tcp nowait root /sbin/streamsec streamsec
    streampes stream tcp nowait root /sbin/streampes streampes
    streames stream tcp nowait root /sbin/streampes streames
    streamts stream tcp nowait root /sbin/streamts streamts -ts
    streamtsfile stream tcp nowait root /sbin/streamts streamts -tsfile
    udpstreampes stream tcp nowait root /sbin/udpstreampes udpstreampes


  • I'm sorry I forgot to mention that zapstream only works when you use enigma1 in pcd's 3.1 image. For some reason, it doesn't work when you are in e2 mode.

    In /etc/services file at the bottom add these lines (first one is optional :) )

    # Pli zapstream
    zapstream 31344/tcp

    In /etc/inetd.conf file at the bottom add this line:

    # Pli zapstream
    zapstream stream tcp nowait root /sbin/zapstream zapstream -ts

    You don't have to add any other lines in the files.

    You can change this line in /etc/inetd.conf

    31339 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/streamts streamts -ts


    31339 stream tcp nowait root /sbin/zapstream zapstream -ts

    and then streaming would work in e1 mode just by clicking the vlc icon in the web interface. It would use zapstream in /sbin folder instead of /usr/sbin/streamts streamts -ts

    In this case, you don't have to add these lines.

    But then streaming doesn't work in e2 mode. Maybe pcd could try to get zapstream working in e2 mode because it is better for streaming than streamts. Openpli team uses zapstream as default in their images. Besides not stopping streaming when you change channels, it allows you to see DVB subtitles on lvc which is not possible using streamts.

  • ok, but over all, it seems to be better for me to relflash my old Gemini 4.7 (E1), so zapstream has to work and i just have to open a stream once and then change channels via webif, so i also have the epg informations.... and streaming via isnt a problem for muuta...
    What do you think, better use E1 or E2 ??

  • E2 images for ppc boxes will always be beta.
    If you mainly use your box for streaming, then I think you should go for e1.

  • i am now trying to change the 31339 Command line and see if it works...
    Can i ask you why you think e2 images are better to use?

  • Streaming does work using zapstream in enigma1 mode using pcd's e2e1 combined image. It doesn't work in e2 mode.

    Streaming also works using default streaming method in both e1 and e2 mode but you have to start streaming again after you change a channel.

    Are you using this image:

    Dm600pvr Enigma2 Enigma1 Combined Image

    I use this image because:

    1) I can use youtube player.
    2) I can use epg import you many providers which normally just have now/next.
    3) Because there is email client which can show emails.
    4) last but not least because I got bored using normal, e1 images. This image is something new and you can play with it etc.