
Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • I had reloaded firmware and now I've got problem with Startup to standby plugin.

    In menu I set it enable but after restart it's disable and my DM8000 isn't in stabdby mode but it's playing channel.
    What is ther reason that Startuptostandby plugin do not write settings?

    Before I change firmware (the same image) It works great.

  • it simply has a bug that the save/green button doesn't work. Edit the settings file manually and it will work (again)

  • Which file prapobly usr/lib/enigma2/plugin/extension/startuptostandby dir?
    which line?

  • no I said the (enigma2) settings file:


    Do an init 4 to stop enigma2, then add the folowing line to the above file:


    Then reboot and it should work

    After this do a settings backup with the configuration backup Plugin and when you re-flash the image and restore the settings you don't need to edit the file anymore.

    And yes, it is sad that after 6 months this plugin is in the CVS the bug is not fixed yet :frowning_face:

    PS: You could also use the startup to standby feature in the Pauli Plugin - there it works :)

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von gutemine ()

  • Do I understand You correctly:


    1) In console I give order "init 4"
    2) In /etc/enigma2/settings I add line config.plugins.startuptostandby.enabled=1
    3) Consoel reboot command

    After reboot it do not work. Starttostandby plugin still don't works.

    But I found another solution:
    In /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/StartupToStandby/

    I changed


    if config.plugins.startuptostandby.enabled.value and reason == 0 and kwargs.has_key("session"):



    if reason == 0 and kwargs.has_key("session"):

    This makes the statement always true. This is coarse solution but is relay works.