[Gelöst] Monotone : Eigener Fehler oder down ?

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  • Fehlendes Paket gefunden :grinning_squinting_face: und läuft

    Hy all.

    Ich sitz mal wieder dran an monotone. Leider läuft es nicht so wie ich das gerne hätte :winking_face:
    Das Treke.net und cvs.tuxbox.org nicht geht habe ich gesehen. Kann das aber sein ?
    Weiß jemand wa da los ist oder wo ich nachschauen muß ? =) Hab selbst nichts rausbekommen .Makefile habe ich nochmals neu geholt THX im Voraus.

    [root@linux 7020]# make -f Makefile-opendreambox image
    /usr/bin/monotone --version | grep -q "monotone 0.25" :tired_face: { echo "Did not find monotone 0. 25"; exit 1; }
    Initial database already existing, ok.
    /usr/bin/monotone pull --db=oe.db ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl org.openembedded.dreambox
    monotone: doing anonymous pull; use -kKEYNAME if you need authentication
    monotone: connecting to ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl
    monotone: finding items to synchronize:
    monotone: certs | keys | revisions
    monotone: 11.373 | 40 | 3.730
    monotone: bytes in | bytes out | certs in | revs in | revs written
    monotone: 196 | 1.127 | 0 | 0 | 0
    monotone: successful exchange with ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl
    [ ! -e openembedded ] && /usr/bin/monotone checkout --db=oe.db --branch=org.openembedded. dreambox openembedded :tired_face: echo "Already checked out, ok."
    Already checked out, ok.
    cd openembedded; monotone --db=../oe.db update
    monotone: already up to date at 11a8d7da163e3d97a20516e7d181a3e490d071ca
    cd build; . ./env.source; bitbake dreambox-image
    NOTE: Using cache in '/root/7020/cache/oe-cache.root'
    NOTE: Parsing finished. 31 cached, 2814 parsed, 114 skipped, 35 masked.
    NOTE: build 200602211644: started

    OE Build Configuration:
    BB_VERSION = "1.3.0"
    OE_REVISION = "11a8d7da163e3d97a20516e7d181a3e490d071ca"
    TARGET_ARCH = "powerpc"
    TARGET_OS = "linux"
    MACHINE = "dm7020"
    DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    TARGET_FPU = "soft"

    NOTE: package dvbsnoop-0.0+cvs20060103: started
    NOTE: package dvbsnoop-0.0+cvs20060103-r0: task do_fetch: started
    NOTE: fetch http://www.treke.net/oe/source…xbox.org__20060103.tar.gz
    --16:51:53-- http://www.treke.net/oe/source…xbox.org__20060103.tar.gz
    => `/root/7020/sources/apps.dvb.dvbsnoop_cvs.tuxbox.org__20060103.tar.gz'
    Resolving http://www.treke.net...
    Connecting to http://www.treke.net[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
    16:51:54 ERROR 404: Not Found.

    NOTE: Fetch cvs://anoncvs@cvs.tuxbox.org/cvs/tuxbox;module=apps/dvb/dvbsnoop;method=ext
    connect to address port 544: Connection refused
    Trying krb4 rsh...
    connect to address port 544: Connection refused
    trying normal rsh (/usr/bin/rsh)
    cvs.tuxbox.org: Connection refused
    cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
    NOTE: Task failed: Fetch failed: apps/dvb/dvbsnoop
    NOTE: package dvbsnoop-0.0+cvs20060103-r0: task do_fetch: failed
    ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
    NOTE: package dvbsnoop-0.0+cvs20060103: failed
    ERROR: Build of dreambox-image failed
    make: *** [image] Fehler 1
    [root@linux 7020]#
