How-To: automount.conf

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  • as confirmation you can mount with NFS <and> with CIFS on the local PC

    however, you need to have either a NFS-server running on PC <or >Sambaserver for CIFS
    standard windows PC's with a local network share can thus be mounted using CIFS

    when it works for you using the dm7020
    it will also work for the dm8000

    mounting at the same time... would need further information
    with older gemini images [enigma1] you could mount only once ON the recording MOUNTPOINT /hdd (/hdd/movie) but many others could be used at the same time
    with newer images you can use several and with [enigma2] you need to set the bookmark to the mount which you would want to use for recording first.

    the gp-wiki, giving more explanation than above, is also in english language to follow through such procedures.

    you might want to give some more info...
    whether it is a windows or a linux OS you are using
