esata to usb? will work?

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  • yes i know but i will use externel power with 4*1 usb adapter. like i use now to provide power for hdd. no one have try this befor?

  • i am using hdd connected to esata. the power is provided from 5v usb*4 adapter, i will stay use hdd with this esata to usb because he has both esata and usb. the question is: if i want to add flash usb and i put it on the adapter, will it work? from 1 esata dm500hd 2 devices? is the esata on dm500hd capable to do this? in any case i will buy this and try it. it's only 10euros. i just to know if no one tested this. thank you

  • let me explane it:

    the hdd is connected to this adapter " esata to esata+usb " the power for hdd is provided with externer power

    flash usb is connected to 4*1 usb with power 5v

    the 4*1 usb is directly connected to " esta to esata+usb"

    will dm500hd show all 2 devices? all have power but connected to one Esata.

  • ok, i will do. i need time to buy this. maybe one week or 2. i dont know if a new kernel is needed to. in any case i will test it. Thank you