dm500 and ppp scvs image......not receive "~" ????

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  • hi to all....
    Congratulations to the forum....
    I have a question for you ... very difficult.....
    i have a dm500 with LAN OUT and I want to do comunication Dm500 with PC through serial connection....
    I found an image that supports this...
    the image is scvs-dm500-maxvar-pppd-23102007.img....
    As a guide I used that reference to 5600 in the link
    w w w
    I can do everything but the dreambox not send the response
    HKR, Responses, "~"....
    Without this response the PC does not open communication .. how can I do?
    Nor can find the tivo's dial software....
    Someone help me know???
    ps i am italy
    I apologize for the English

  • Hi,

    in my last SCVS was a Bug. Ima meke this days a new Image and load it up :winking_face:

    Zuerst ignorieren sie dich, dann lachen sie über dich, dann bekämpfen sie dich und dann gewinnst du. <br>
    Mahatma Gandhi

  • I am very happy to know that the problem is not my!
    I was becoming crazy, for how many times I tried
    When you add new networking image?
    I want to prove

  • now...
    with dreambox with
    menu>6>5>open serial port
    With hiperteminal happens this

    with dreambox with
    menu>6>5>don't open serial port
    With hiperteminal happens this

    but not receive signal "~" !!!!

    What should I do?
    Where I wrong?