Camd for Sky FTV Card

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  • Hi Guys,

    I am looking for a camd which will auto-update my Sky FTV card. I have no problems using it with Evocamd or MGcamd but they will not do the required auto updates the card needs.

    I am running DB7025S with Gemini2 1.80 (latest patch).

    Any help would be great.

  • Hi there,
    could you let me know how your config files are for evocamd and newcs, as I am trying to get my FTV to run, but so far I havn't had any success,
    Thanks for your help! I really don't know what else to do!

    Dreambox 7000
    Wavefrontier T90 42E -5W, 30W
    Karten: ORF, SRG, TNTsat, AJS, FSFS, NL1-3, TVR, TNK

  • Yes it's activated and running in the digibox, what I cannot get to work is to configure evocamd and newcs to get the card working,
    I would appreciate yoour help in setting up the configuration as you seem to have it running, albeit without AU.
    I know I am not helping you with your question, so sorry for kind of hijacking this thread

    Dreambox 7000
    Wavefrontier T90 42E -5W, 30W
    Karten: ORF, SRG, TNTsat, AJS, FSFS, NL1-3, TVR, TNK

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von hagi ()

  • I don't know anything about your DB but I assume you can use Blue Panel.

    If that is the case then go to addons choose Delete, and delete any trace of Evocamd, evocamd cofig, newcs, and new cs config.

    then reboot.

    Blue panel again

    Download and install Evocamd 2.11
    Download and install NewCS 1.17
    Download and install Evocamd config
    Download and install NewCS config

    Reboot and stick your card in.

    works for me.

  • That's what i've tried more than once already. Could you let me know if you changed anything in the confi files, il seems that not,
    i'll just try to reinstall Gemini, mybe it'll work then, Thanks

    Dreambox 7000
    Wavefrontier T90 42E -5W, 30W
    Karten: ORF, SRG, TNTsat, AJS, FSFS, NL1-3, TVR, TNK

  • No no changes.

    It also works with MGcamd and newcs on my DB, no config changes here either.

    I assume you are using Blue Panel to change from the default Common Interface to the cam you want to use?

  • yes, i change it to evocamd+newcs, i just don't know where the fault might be,

    Dreambox 7000
    Wavefrontier T90 42E -5W, 30W
    Karten: ORF, SRG, TNTsat, AJS, FSFS, NL1-3, TVR, TNK

  • It can take a minute to get a picture sometimes when you first start the cam. If nothing happens then it looks like a re-install of gemini, there is something missing somewhere.

  • I have a 7020s with Gemini 3.1, Evocamd 2.11 and Newcs 1.16. I activated my S$y FTV card in my DB a few months ago by leaving it on Channel 4 or 5 (can't remember which) for a few hours. I could watch Channel 4, 5 and Sky 3 fine.

    I noticed these channels wouldn't decode about a week ago, even after leaving it on Channel 4 or 5 overnight.

    As I would have activated my card with a previous version of Gemini, there may be something missing in 3.1, or S$Y may have changed something.