Vlc new plugins for multiple dirs

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  • Hi , last night I wrote 2 new plugins to do a very simple thing , have 2 startup directories when launching vlc client . This because I have some files on D: drive and some other movies on E: and the vlc client file browser won't change disk.
    So I coded 2 plugins to substitute the vlc.xml file , one with the one pointing to D: and one pointing to E:
    Here is the code of one of the plugins and to me seems correct but when launched it does nothing and I have no idea why. It it set with 755 attributes and it has (and code will follow) it's .cfg file with same name. Obviously the 2 .xml files are stored in /etc and have 666 attributes.

    VlcDivx.sh :
    echo ""
    echo "Setting DivX Directory"
    echo ""
    cd /etc
    cp -f vlcdivx.xml /etc/tuxbox/config/
    echo "File copied"
    echo ""
    cd /etc/tuxbox/config
    mv -f vlcdivx.xml vlc.xml
    echo "File renamed..... Start VLC Client."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Enjoy your movies"
    exit 1

    VlcDivx.cfg :
    name=VLC Divx

    Any ideas or help ????

  • Problem solved !!! It was a matter of the windows characters at the end of lines ... opened the file with notepad++ and solved the issue ... now it all works like charm !