reboot 7080 power cut or with button

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  • My Dreambox 7080 freezes once in a while. Only way to solve problem, is to reboot the box.
    With my other Dreamboxes I mostly took the plug out of the socket, and box rebooted.
    This does not work with the 7080.
    I have to start it up again with the button on the back of the box.
    Is this normal, or can I change this feature somewhere in the software?
    Thanks in advance, fr. gr. George

  • you shouldn't do either of these actions

    risk is too high to get a corrupt image or other damage

    find out why the box freezes and fix the problem

    but I dont't think the 7080HD has the "Power" option in the BIOS, but you can check to be sure

  • Danke sehr, Bert.

    I have a confession to make, about something stupid I did....:
    I pulled out the wrong plug, to reboot receiver... It was the one of the tv-set, so no wonder I got the same freeze back, every time.

    Sorry, to have disturbed you with my mistake.
    I know, that taking the box of current is not to be advised.
    So this thread can be closed. George