Disable NOW/NEXT

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • I have a 920 running Peter Pan image built on 4.3.2r3-6-gaa85e-2019-03-04 (krogoth)(OE2.5)
    Satellite Thor 0.8W Canal Digital. AFAIK EPG is carried by MHW
    I have an issue where EPG from transponder, NOW/NEXT, overwrites EPG I have downloaded using XMLTV.
    Both program name and extended description is overwritten.
    Problem is the program name and extended description gives me information of poorer quality most of the time.

    So if I record a show, the EPG in my movie list is using this poorer EPG. Wich is a big dissapointment.
    Missing episode/season, year, actors, often different name and more.

    I find images based on OpenPLI have an option to disable EIT, NOW/NEXT, MHW and so on.
    Is it possible to do so on images based on DMM?

    Posted a similar post on dreambox.de/board 4 days ago, but no response yet.

    If anyone preferr writing answers in german, I understand it if you keep it to a simple level.