Hepl to add epg update in BP plugin

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  • i'm looking to put a script into BP
    plugin like in the old gemini 5.1 to update epgcache .. in the opendream source the epgcahe is updated every 60min ( epgcache.h)

    i want to make updated every 15 or 30 min
    i add this but i want some help to make it work

    i know the german channels provide 7 days of epg that's not the the problem i want to make the script for some packages who provide only now and next event beacause after a white you'll find the epg like this empty

    need someone how help to edit this to work in the dm OE2.2 i mean self.epgcache.myEPGInfo()

    choices_min=[("900000", "15 " + _("Minutes")), ("1800000", "30 " + _("Minutes")), ("2700000", "45 " + _("Minutes")), ("3600000", "1 " + _("Hour")), ("5400000", "90 " + _("Minutes")), ("7200000", "2 " + _("Hours"))]

    if self.epgcache is not None:
    e = self.epgcache.myEPGInfo()
    config.bp.epg_update = NoSave(BPConfigSelection(choices=choices_min, default=str(e[3])))
    list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Interval for updating"), config.bp.epg_update))
    config.bp.epg_old = NoSave(BPConfigSelection(choices=choices_min, default=str(e[5])))
    list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Old EPG-Data to keep it for"), config.bp.epg_old))


    def KeyGreen(self):

    if self.epgcache is not None:
    self.epgcache.myEPGInfo(1, int(config.bp.epg_update.value)) #Update-Time
    self.epgcache.myEPGInfo(2, int(config.bp.epg_old.value)) #old Epg-Data