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    hi Dear , sorry for late reply . it seems the boot is from flash not th same as u mentioned but the weird it works fine for dm one but how to fix for dm two please.

    any help why not starting on android after reboot , what is wrong i am doing

    root @ dreambox: ~ # tar -xzvf android9-sdcard.tar.gz -C /

    data /

    data / android /

    data / android / bootlogo.bmp

    data / android / odm.img

    gzip: skipping: <stdin>: corrupted - incomplete deflate data

    gzip: abort: internal threads error

    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive

    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive

    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

    root @ dreambox: ~ #

    is this okay ???

    tks emanuel
    these are the steps i am doing:

    send android file to root

    tar -xzvf android9-sdcard_20190920.tar.gz -C /

    cd /data/android

    ./ /dev/mmcblk1


    after reboot the box start normal without android,
    i noticed in media folder all files exist there:
    boot / cache / data / metadata / product / vendor
    and mmcblk1p1 = empty
    mmcblk1p2 = has files

    in storage devices = nothing detected
    but in blue panel device manager i can see the card.
    i use samsung evo 32 gb

    hi , anyone tried on dreambox two ?
    i did these 2 steps and went fine but when reboot android does not start it start normal

    Install new / all:

    root @ dreamone: ~ # tar -xzvf android9-sdcard.tar.gz -C /

    root @ dreamone: ~ # cd / data / android

    root @ dreamone: / data / android # ./ / dev / mmcblk1

    root @ dreamone: / data / android # reboot


    Update only (apps and data are untouched):

    root @ dreamone: ~ # tar -xzvf android9-sdcard_09202019.tar.gz -C /

    root @ dreamone: ~ # cd / data / android

    root @ dreamone: / data / android # ./ / dev / mmcblk1

    root @ dreamone: / data / android # reboot


    Originally posted by elfi12
    you definitely need to have pem files for client and server keys. Others this configuration won't be shown in the VPN-Client screen.

    the file generated contain all inside .
    and it is working fine with GP3.3
    so why in GP4 not the same and need several files not all in one file

    hi , failed to let the client vpn file appear
    I am using in my server pritunl and it create one file for client. ( user.ovpn )
    it was working perfect with GP3.3 but with GP4 it does not read the file

    any help ?