Ok Türksat 42
Posts by ozcan78
Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
-> Aktuell bereiten wir das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version 6 von Woltlab vor.
-> Aktuell bereiten wir das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version 6 von Woltlab vor.
Cinema and TV articles should also become visible
Hello, I have been using aio image for about 1 year, a skin qhd a skin in the image setting, 80% of the broadcasts I watch have a resolution of 1920x1080 i and this image defines that pixel as 1920x1080 p 25, in fact, it is basically the same thing as 1080 i, I know that, which resolution should I use when making the image setting, when I select 1080, the skin graphics image quality is bad, when I select 1080 p, the image quality of the broadcasts with 1080 i deteriorate, how are these settings?
I respect you very much, thank you very much for your effort, I love this skin very much, I will continue to use this skin no matter what, best regards
From now on, I won't write anything to you in terms of errors or suggestions, I think you should write, publish it, just close the comments, I'm not saying do this for the device you use at home, I commented on the public, I don't understand what the second infobar will do when you first fill the content with the infobar, I don't understand it, the first infobar disappears 3-4 seconds after the screen in the freezer, I'm telling the truth, but you don't like the truth very much
When the program content description is long, for example, for the movie, the articles become a little tiring, there is a second infobar for this detail, after all, I wish the article had a large option.
If the program name in the flat or flat edm infobar was a little larger, it would not be similar to each other with the explanation, this could look more stylish, you do something similar in default and it looks very stylish zombi
Super thank you 👍
Where can I find the current 220x132 picons for Türksat 42 degrees or how to convert transparent picons into licher pils, can you help?
I really like this interface, but when I switch to default FHD, the brightness and image quality in dreambox two TV broadcasts increase significantly. This interface is very high quality, but the image quality in TV broadcasts decreases. I want you to try this and see zombie.
What you have done is very fascinating. This interface should be the main interface in the new devices that the dreambox propety company will release. You are pushing the limits of technology. Thank you for this, but also know this. aio image There are problems with an unfinished software, so we have to use dreamos 4.5. I know you will not make this interface, but it is in the old software. You should also make it available
Thank you for your information, I use gray color or default color.
I'm already using the gray one, I'm writing these for what I see missing to help you.
I took the photos as close as possible, when you look at them from a distance, they disappear completely.
These pictures look great on my phone, but I cannot say the same for LCD TV. In the black and white color interface, white logos disappear on the screen. If the TV you are using is Oled TV, these colors may be successful, not for LCD TV.
telefonumda harika görünüyor ama LCD TV için aynı şeyi söyleyemem. Siyah beyaz renkli çözülmelerde beyaz logolar ortada kayboluyor. Kullandığınız TV Oled TV ise bu renkler LCD TV'de başarılı olmayabilir.
After the last update of Zombi, there seems to be a problem with the colorfull progress. While it is red towards the end of the program in the channel list, it is red in the infobar when it is in the middle of the program.
Thank you, the update has been completed 👍