Bootmanager: not found

  • when i try to connect 500+ using DCC i am getting this message
    "Bootmanager: not found"

    what is that mean and also i unable to flash my DM 500+ ??

    so please help me how to install the Bootmanager in my DM

    so please help me with this issue


  • Yes DM connected to internet, even i can browse the all files in box, only problem is i unable to flash my box because of the Boot Manager Problem :frowning_face:

  • Bootmanager is a program you can install on your Dreambox (on a DM7000 for example) for multiple Images such as those on multiboot.

    In your case, however, you have only one image installed in the Flash.
    So you don't need Bootmanager. And it is not causing you any problems as you may be thinking.
    Simply ignore the " Bootmanager: not found" message and use Dreamup as suggested by others already. Cheers.