Zap-timer & recording timer scipt

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...

UPDATE: Das Problem scheint behoben, wir beobachten das noch :)
  • Adding the DVR event is resolved: &action=DVR

    Still can not resolve how to calculate the start recording time in regards the nowtime & to add it to the nowtime (the beginning recording time)

    Any suggestions?

    here is the original Zap-time script:


    ACTION=§ZAP-Timer,add_m=$(input l='in ## Minutes' t='Back on that channel');wget -q -O /dev/null http://root:dreambox@localhost…merList;add_s=60;nowtime=`date +%s`;timertime=`expr $nowtime + $add_m \* 60`;service=`wget -Y off -O - http://root:dreambox@localhost/cgi-bin/streaminfo | sed -e '/<!-- /!d' -e 's/.*<!-- //g' -e 's/-->//'`;channelname=`wget -Y off -O - http://root:dreambox@localhost/channels/getcurrent |sed 's/ /%20/g'`;wget -Y off -O - "http://root:dreambox@localhost/addTimerEvent?ref="$(echo $service)"&start="$(echo $timertime)"&duration="$(echo $add_s)"&channel="$(echo $channelname)"&action=zap";msgbox timeout=5 msg="~cZAP-Timer has been set to $add_m minutes~n~n~cYou can switch to an other channel now!"