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  • I have read a couple of links related to the subject, but my first problem is that I haven't been able to see where appear the items that you add within the useraddon.xml file .... I have look under Addons > Download and install > but cannot find any additional line apart of the standard ones ...

    Do I have to modify any other file to make the content of my useraddon.xml be shown?


  • I'm sorry! .. I answer myself ....
    I had a mistake within the useraddon.xml ... so it seems that the Blue Paneljust ignored it.
    I can see now the items of my useraddon.xml at the bottom of the "Download and install" list.

  • Any news ?? I would like to set a sever for my hown addons, How do y set my useraddon.xml, what I have to do on my server ?

  • The files is in var/tuxbox/config/useraddon.xml

    to add server, that depends of version of gemini you use..

    For version 3.x:

    In useraddon.xml


    <item name="Server Name" url=""/>

    In web server you need to add an xml file with this kind of structure

    In myfile.xml


    <image target="xxxx" name="xxxxxxx" url="http://xxxxxx.tar.bz2" version="000" creator="xxxx" md5="lsfjdksdjflsjkl" description="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
    <image target="yyyy" name="yyyyyyy" url="http://yyyyyy.tar.bz2" version="000" creator="yyyy" md5="lsfjdksdjflsjkl" description="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"/>

    In Gemini version 4.x

    The syntax has changed. Look at file sample that explain the syntax very well.

    good luck

  • I'm not sure I understand how to set this up.
    Is there a tutorial somewhere or is this the one.