SDT DaVinci 5.6 FINAL
- Kernel and modules 2.6.9 (1_09.1d)
- Enigma compiled 09/05/2006 - CVS modified by SDTeam
- WebIf 5.9.7-expert + TELETEXT !
- TuxTxt 1.98 (teletext)
- Movieplayer 0.8.1
- SDTboss Panel v2.6.8
- emuboss v2.9.5 (emumanager)
New in DV 5.6:
- TeleText (Televideo) now available also from Web-Interface (new very useful new CVS feature)
Go to web-int, then press "TEXT" link on the top-right (near VLC button)
- TunerA icon on OSD:
Already available on 7025, but new on 7000:
icon lights when the service is tuned, stay black if tune has failed, or channel is not transmitting a signal.
- FlashWizard remote:
now is useable also from Multiboot installed images, allowing full operations.
No more need to use it only from flash image.
- all skins updates:
Anim5.6 new from Mimi74
Megalight 1.3a from Eagle
- full cleanup of OSD implementation:
now only the needed infos are displayed in each operating mode (TV, Radio, File)
- bugfixes and updates, as ever!
SDT DaVinci 5.6 FINAL