Dm800se and optical usb drive

Wir haben aktuell ein Problem mit dem Board und arbeiten an der Lösung...
  • Hello, I cannot access successfully the optical usb drive. After plugged in, it is correctly shown in filebrowser as well as in dvdplayer, but if I enter the folder of the drive it's empy...
    I tried with video and data disk, both cd and dvd but no luck.
    I tried also to do mount dev/sda mnt/dvd but I get invalid argument...
    Do you have a clue?

  • Just done. It's already attached to an active usb Hub, btw it doesn't work neither attched directly to the box.
    The strange thing is that it's correctly listed and displayed in filebrowser, the problem is the content never displayed.

  • Btw, beside the solution, do you know what means when you see the device but not the content? What symptom is it?