(deprecated) cross platform tuner sharing, friendly user test

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  • Hello,

    I am trying to use vtunerd.mipsel inside netgear router with linux (dd-wrt based)

    I am getting following error message when is running.

    root@dvb:/mnt/bin# ./vtunerd.mipsel
    ./vtunerd.mipsel: symbol 'msg': can't handle reloc type 0x26

    I have build the binary using following modified Makefile

    The crosstool environment is using mipsel-uclibc.

    Any pointers ? Thank you rmie for the repository. :winking_face:

  • I guess something is broken with your crosstool chain as the binary is invalid: "./vtunerd.mipsel: symbol 'msg': can't handle reloc type 0x26"

    Using "vtuner-dvb-3.c" as the @driver" is the correct approach, this should work with any unmodified linux DVB stack.


  • also bei mir läuft vtunerd mehr oder weniger gut.
    allerdings stürzt hin und wieder die dm500 ab beim zugriff auf vtuner (wenn die verbindung zur dm7025 nicht hergestellt werden kann)

    meine eigentliche frage.
    kann man PIP, virtual pip oder auch den minitv im merlin image irgendwie aktivieren. irgendwie kann ich einfach nicht 2 filme gleichzeitig anschauen.

    aufnehmen und ein anderer film anschauen geht einwandfrei.
    gibts irgendwo noch eine versteckte option die ich aktivieren muss/kann?


  • Zitat

    Original von dIdIX
    meine eigentliche frage.
    kann man PIP, virtual pip oder auch den minitv im merlin image irgendwie aktivieren. irgendwie kann ich einfach nicht 2 filme gleichzeitig anschauen.

    Nach meinem Kenntnisstand kann keine SingleTuner Box von DMM PIP.


  • Hi rmie,

    Thank you for your answer.

    If compiled with dm crosstool environment (gcc 4.1.1 or the other version gcc 4.4.3) the following message is displayed:

    root@dvb:/mnt/bin# ./vtunerd.mipsel
    ./vtunerd.mipsel: not found

    When testing it dvb-core is loaded with the kernel, but have not attached any dvb-adapter to create /dev/dvb/adapter interface. Just want to make sure vtunerd can work in this environment before going further and adding driver support. By doing this I can use my netgear router with tuner on my LAN which is cool :hurra:

    Is this normal behaviour from vtunerd.mipsel showing there is no dvb adapter found in the system ? Just need confirmation. Thx

  • Zitat

    Original von rmie

    Nach meinem Kenntnisstand kann keine SingleTuner Box von DMM PIP.


    ich habs befürchtet ... hab beim googeln auch was gelesen, dass die singlebox eben nur ein decoder hat ...

    tja. d.h. für mich wohl, dass ich entweder auf pip verzichten muss oder auf hd fernsehn.

    (wobei mir persönlich glaub das pip wichtiger ist als das hd fernsehn - außer orf eins, orf 2, zdf, hd suisse, servus tv gibts eh keine hd sender ohne abo ...)


  • Zitat

    Original von pop_eye

    root@dvb:/mnt/bin# ./vtunerd.mipsel
    ./vtunerd.mipsel: not found

    Is this normal behaviour from vtunerd.mipsel showing there is no dvb adapter found in the system ? Just need confirmation. Thx

    No, I'd guess you have no file "/mnt/bin/vtunerd.mipsel".
    This happens if no DVB device is present:

    # ./vtunerd.i686 
    vtunerd: [19288 ../../vtunerd.c:21] info: S2API tuning support.
    vtunerd: [19288 ../../vtuner-dvb-3.c:30] error: failed to open /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
    vtunerd: [19288 ../../vtunerd.c:32] error: failed to init hardware (adapter 0, frontend 0, demux 0, dvr 0)


  • Hi Rmie,

    I have updated the router firmware:

    (WRT3500L using DD-WRT build 17140 @ http://www.myopenrouter.com/do…-USB-FTP-miniDLNA-Samba3/)

    root@dvb:/mnt/bin# ls
    root@dvb:/mnt/bin# ./vtunerd.mipsel
    Program uses unsupported TLS data!

    As a fact the router firmware is being built with uclibc.
    The "not found" message was for the binaries built against dm mipsel-oe cross compiler.

    I will try to find a better cross compiler, but TLS seems to be serious issue :frowning_face:
    I believe there is an issue with the TLS support in uclibc ld. Switching to newer uclibc version maybe can solve this, but I can also assume replacing the trouble symbol "msg", can make life easier. :winking_face:

    What is the problem? :aufsmaul:

    The uclibc-NPTL compiler is generating the binary with binding symbol
    "msg". What other call can be used to replace "msg" in vtunerd-utils.c and vtunerd-utils.h as it is only place which is generating it ?

    I really appreciate your help. Thx

  • funktioniert das ganze mittlerweile einigermaßen??
    würde gerne eine dm800 als server und eine dm8000 als client nutzen.
    Ist das möglich?
    Verstehe nicht so ganz wie man das installieren muss.

  • habs grad vor ein paar tagen installiert. es läuft recht gut.
    leider wird der tuner auf der serverbox nicht mehr verwendbar :-(, aber sonst ist es ganz gut!

    auf dem server engima killen
    vtunerd starten

    auf dem client einfach das ipkg paket installieren
    client neu booten
    dann findest du im menü einen neuen tuner. diesen zweiten tuner dann wie gewünscht konfigurieren. (sprich kanalssuche, etc)
    (eventuel den tunertype im config file anpassen)


  • mit welchem befehl kann ich enigma killen??
    Mit welchen Parametern muss ich vtunerd auf meiner dm800 starten damit der erste und einzige tuner freigegeben wird?

    Danke für die Mühe im voraus!

  • Also hab es jetzt selbst hinbekommen, die anleitung (falls man es so nennen kann) auf der ersten Seite it doch sehr lückenhaft.
    Aber funktioniert bei mir bestens!!

    Server ist ne DM800 die ich sonst eigentlich nicht verwende und client ist in diesem Fall eine DM8000!

  • Zitat

    Original von mac110
    Also hab es jetzt selbst hinbekommen, die anleitung (falls man es so nennen kann) auf der ersten Seite it doch sehr lückenhaft.

    Dann gehe mit gutem Beispiel voran und ergänze die Anleitung.

  • Upgraded the cross compiler and using mipsel-linux-uclibc-gcc-4.2.4

    At least the error is showing more information: :gutenmorgen:


    Thank you

  • Hi,


    Original von pop_eyeUpgraded the cross compiler and using mipsel-linux-uclibc-gcc-4.2.4
    At least the error is showing more information:

    TLS support seems to be platform dependent in uclibc, mips should be supported:

    You can test if TLS is available or not, by testing for this makro: USE_TLS

    msg is only used to write messages to the console (or syslog), find below a very dirty hack, that will skip some messages:


  • Hi Kju,

    today I can give you positive feedback!!! The directed discover packet from your patched vtuner client to a vtunerd in another subnet works!!! I have IPSec tunnel from my network to a another where the vtuner server is running.
    It works so far very stable for SD services.
    The only thing I see today is due to latency, that it might bring some advatanges to increase slightly the buffered packages from vtuner server to vtuner client, but this must be aligned in server and client. As Rmie already said, if the buffer size is increased the scanning process might fail. I think a small buffer increase of 300-500ms would already help to compensate the latency of a connection...

  • Hi Roland,

    I mingled it by using following code posted by jjskiner which it seems allows binary to function properly. cross platform tuner sharing (friendly user test) :hurra:

    Have not tested the patch you have posted, I have already started porting some dvb-drivers to 2.6.22 kernel (I have also changed to tomato firmware which is supporting 2.6.22 kernel.)

    Some small question still remain:

    - my dvb usb adapter needs to use dvb-s2 mode in order to get access to its special features; since 2.6.22 dvb driver only supports plain dvb-s api 3, can we include following feature in vtuner-dvb-3.c ?

    By doing this i can extend the dvb-s api 3 function, which is also included
    in the dvb driver, but need to make sure it is being interpreted properly by
    vtunerd.mipsel aswell vtunerclient.

    P.S. Because of kernel limitation I cannot use newer dvb-api with the tuner. Any suggestions ? :winking_face:

    Thank you kindly.

  • vtunerd passes the value from the client to the kernel, with changes or sanity checks. From what I understand you have to patch the kernel.


  • Zitat

    Originally posted by rmie

    vtunerd passes the value from the client to the kernel, with changes or sanity checks. From what I understand you have to patch the kernel.


    Hi Roland,

    I will try following and post results. :einschenken:

    Edit: Almost convinced I am able to tune using following definitions :winking_face: but because of hardware failure (underpowered usb hub) usb-dvb adapter is loosing connection :confused_face:
    Need to find a better usb hub which can be used for two or more adapters including flash stick where vtunerd and dvb modules reside.

    vtuner-dvb-3.c :